And... one more time :)

May 19, 2006 08:34

Yeah, I'm gonna try this one more time! After months and months of log on problems, I'm going to give this another whirl.   I miss coming here and communicating regularly.  But, after my injury I got out of the 'habit', and then when I wanted to start again, I struggled with logon issues as well.  Those two coupled together do not an inspiration make!  But, I miss my friends, I miss my outlet, I miss the community.

Let's see.. what have I been up to in the last year.  It took me close to eight months to recover to normal living after my fall and surgery last winter.  I had a cancer scare in August and another one in January which resulted in more cut 'n paste of my body bits.  I never did move to Greece as I wanted to... the all medical issues nipped that in the bud.  Quite frankly, there is no other place on the planet I would be wanting to seek medical treatment than here, so it was a no-brainer not to move.  The move is not completely off the table, its still there on the back burner depending on what happens in other areas of my life.

I fell in love... or I guess I should say I re-fell in love as I reconnected with an old flame.  The relationship is now out of the delirious feeling honeymoon stage and there are a number of serious issues, mostly logistical that need to be worked out before I know whether this will work out or not.

I turned down a high profile job with the US State Department.  As some of you know I was seconded (professionally 'lent') there many years ago, but I really have no desire to go back, and the thought of living in NYC again didn't impress me.  I'm looking to head the other way, to a calm, quiet backwoods place.  NYC is about as far away from that on the spectrum as it gets!  LOL  I've been feeling burnt out personally and professionally for close to three years, there's no way I want to head deeper into the black spaces.

My crazy family is still crazy.  ET (the Evil Twin) decided to get married for the 5th time, but this time decided to marry her long time lesbian lover... so she came home from London and threw a HUGE wedding, which my mother hysterically boycotted and all my friends thought was very cool.  My mother is about to marry husband number 6.  Number 5  was (unknowingly to her at the time) a convicted pedophile and when she found out, she had the marriage annulled.  My niece ignores them all and is still in med school in Chicago. Hmmm.. thats about all thats been happening in my life.

As you can see, it's pretty tame in my neck of the woods.  I now look forward to getting caught up on everyone else's life : )
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