Sep 10, 2008 17:14
Yay, first post.
And I'm going to use it on something important but ultimately boring. A school report... Yay.
We’re doing a three project, product for the state emergency services. I managed to latch myself and my friends Teloka and Rekkar to the project with the longest film time (and arguably least relevance to animation students)
I seem to have gotten the titles position for myself. Not by virtue of talent I should profess. But merely because that is the only real graphics-based job available, and I am the only graphics-based student available.
The clients haven't given us any feedback yet. Neither clarification nor specification. And with a project as broad as ours (a three person interview giving a personal slant on the duties of an SES member) this is an extreme hindrance.
Our producer was supposed to meet up with the clients and rustle up some talent for us at a meeting but none of us have heard back from him since last week and that is proving frustrating. Lacking people to document as a documentary has very little needed in the preproduction stage (storyboarding and the like) and I effectively have nowhere to go as all my work will be done in post.
Well that’s not true actually. I'm not sure what her name is. She’s blonde and a film student. but she seems to have this idea that we'll be introducing our subjects with a sorta "character bio" similar to something you'd see in a video game (pic, text, stats).so I'll be fiddling with that for a while.
I'm planning (read: hoping) to collaborate with the other two groups so that our text and other design elements maintains a continuity through out the projects so's to make the product more...cohesive I think is the word there. I've talked to Marianna from the game group and she said she'll get someone on to it next week. I need to get a hold of Mindy (the titles person for the short ad) and run this by her as well. I think she'll be up for it so that’s no issue.
No offence to the project but I HATE typography. If you could see the hand written version of this. (I'm scribbling this up as our group is talking with Andy right now) you'd be able to see how bad my handwriting is, the lack of confidence this causes is coupled with the "fun" of dealing with non-copyrighted fonts makes me worry that whatever I come up with is not going to be dynamic enough for the product.
.... though, considering that the project is basically just going to be a bunch of talking heads I might not have to work that hard. ;p