Spoilers: Up to 2.03.
Warnings: Homophobia, mentions bullying, family illness.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 5, 300
Disclaimer: RIB and FOX own everything ever.
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Here. This prompt. If Kurt can't hold his father's hand, he can - for what it's worth - hold everyone else's.
It was, like most things glee club did as a group, Rachel’s idea... )
A review with an adorbs .gif in it, you're just... intent on brightening my entire life up, aren't you.
SO: I am over the moon you liked everyone's characterizations - I loooove doing whole-ensemble fics, but I haven't done much in this fandom because I really don't have a handle on Tina, Mike, Artie, Brittany, Mercedes, Quinn... they're just way harder even than the people I usually write. I'm just glad Matt wasn't still there; sadly, he'd be even harder than Azimio.
Quinn and Mercedes need to reunite for great justice. I really want to writers to pretend this was on purpose and give them some kind of fight they had over the summer, because then they could have an epic blowout followed by a painful duet and then they, together with Santana, would make up and rule the school again. I also want Finn and Puck to make up. OH, THESE CRAZY DREAMS.
Yeah, you know, Mike - I love fanon!Mike SO HARD. But the fact is, in the show, we don't really get much of that. He nods along to Puck's violence-loving rhapsody in "Bad Reputation" and we know from the end of "Journey to Regionals" that he hid his dance-loving self until glee club. And if even Finn, who is a genuinely sweet fellow, helped throw Kurt in dumpsters... I'd like to believe Mike hasn't, but until they give us evidence on the show, I have to assume Mike is a comparatively typical jock, if an incredibly adorable Asian-obsessed one.
Lol, I have to admit, Puck's line was an addendum to the prompt; it totally saved his scene. I probably would have had him punch someone out for Kurt instead of holding his hand. This was way cuter.
So~, I am happy you liked everyone, like so happy, omg. And that you took the time to say as much, bb why so awesome. Also: If you find more friendship fic out there let me know, because I am all for Kurt/Blaine (so. freaking. charming. I can't even, they're so adorbs) but the reason I write this shit is because it's what I want to read, I am just so invested in friendship and family (and apparently creepy stalker unrequited love, given my recent thing for Karofsky, why is it I can only write a pairing when the whole point of it is that it's NOT a pairing).
Please, god - it's the most flattering thing you could possibly do, wanting to read my stories and then tell me how you feel about them, criminey. You make my day EVEN MORE each time.
It's funny thing you say Tina and co. are harder, I'd imagine Kurt and Rachel, or heck Finn are lot more confusing, but I guess the difference might just be that we never really get to see inside Mike's head so it's up to incredibly amounts of interpretations. And I admire you for not jumping extremes with them just because there hasn't been anything contradicting in canon to, for example, Mike loves drag (couldn't come up with a better example even though I've read such a story and it was brilliant).
Quinn and Mercedes, damn. I'm not sure the writers could pretend their "not looking at each other" thing is on purpose, because in Grilled Cheesus they were kind of together in the background all the times, because it was convenient or what for the storyline. The main, well how to say, purpose of Mercedes in Quinn's life, I thought, would be to keep Quinn in check when she becomes all plastic again, but there hasn't been ANY indication on that, not a disapproving sidelook, or anything... But again, Kurt and Mercedes, who are repeatedly addressed as BFFS, can get so nonchalant about each other. Like how in Laryngitis, neither of them called out the other for being crazy (Kurt going butch, Mercedes dating Puck), or the fact that Mercedes didn't say single damn thing related to the bullying?! I can... make up many theories that off screen she comforted him, or that he asked her not to bother with it, but the way there wasn't a SINGLE SHOT, look, or anything showing that he realizes that his best friends is a wreck?! Guh. I don't know whether it's the mistreatment of Mercedes' character or friendships in general, both make me really sad. As for Puck and Finn, I kind of think they "made up" when they went and ruined the VA's cars, as for whether they are besties, heck knows with this show anymore. They only show friendships when it's, convenient, then forget about them right away, I just can't. *sorry, this is the only issue in glee I can't overlook and it fires me up*
I get way you mean about Mike and I appreciate that you'd rather stay close to deducing things from canon logically. I can totally see Mike as... rather standing by the dumpster than getting thrown in it, so he is just there.
The Puck thing was insanely cute, and thankfully, entirely believable. Like, I don't know how you did it in your "Finn wakes up in Kurt's bed five times" story to make me believe ever-so-phobic!Finn would do that but it just, completely fit.
And ah, friendship fics are insanely hard to come by. Might be because I only lurk at safe places where I'm sure there are no spoilers, though. :) Only one that comes to my mind is Conspiracy of Love, though that's not entirely friendship, but has a beautiful take on Puck, Santana, Kurt and Rachel and just kills me. And I hear miggy has some Kurt/Rachel friendship epic but I haven't come around to reading it, only bravi, but that was all kinds of brilliant. Nothing of the delicious glee club appreciation like what you write comes to my mind, though. :(
As for Karofsky, I'm not sure how this guy does it, I blame it entirely on Max Adler's mindblowing acting, but almost everyone among my friends is like "he is a psycho, he needs to disappear into never again, he really wanted to kill Kurt, ugh sexual assault", when I'm just... gosh please let Karofsky reach a happy closure. He has serious faults, he damaged Kurt bad, but I feel so sorry for him, he has it hard, too.
~lalala now I'm rambling, too (:
Yeah, I think - the bigger characters can be more confusing and contradictory, but the more minor characters are way worse for me because there's less to work with. Tina in particular is hard for me because everyone else is an overblown stereotype at base - they're complex, but there's also that baseline stereotype to write from. Tina's a pretty normal person, compared to Rachel or Finn or Kurt, and that's... harder to do. Mercedes and Artie are the other banes of my existence, Artie for the same reason as Tina and Mercedes because her baseline stereotype is so far outside my experience.
Kurt and Mercedes have some ISSUES, yo. His speech to her "The Substitute"? That was the most ridic, hurtful thing he's done all season and I am baffled by it. And since Amber Riley is suddenly a good actress, I was just like sitting there sobbing, omg. I mean, there's a level on which I like some of the stuff they do, because as much as I love friendship, these are fundamentally selfish people, whose first thought isn't generally for anyone else, and being friends doesn't and shouldn't change that. I like the bleakness of that. But SOMETIMES, man. Especially this season, with the relationship drama. I just hate how, in fiction in general, there's ALWAYS romance drama and friendship/family stuff is so much rarer and seen as less important.
Hnnnn, I'm so glad you bought that. I think "Comfort Zone" is probably the most "yeah right" of my fics, I mostly just cross my fingers and hope readers roll with it and that my personal casual attitude toward sharing a bed is catching/that I address Finn's homophobia enough to buy disbelief but not strongly enough to remind anyone "oh right, not happening." I think it helps that Finn's such a sweet baby sometimes; it's a lot easier to believe he'd be like, "on the one hand, ew gay; on the other, MAGIC BED" than it would... anyone else ever.
Omg spoilers tell me about it. I try to avoid them but then Tumblr will attack me. Life is hard.
Ooh, I will read these pretty things! *bookmarks* Thank you so much~! Also, as far as Miggy goes? DO IT. I haven't finished her Kurt/Rachel stuff, but she is fantastic from what I've read of hers and I've read rather a lot. Really fantastic. Like I want to be her when I grow up.
Cor, yeah, Karofsky should totally be redeemed. Personally I believe he will be - I don't believe a show this invested in LGBT issues will let one of their three gay characters be evil forever. And he's got it really tough. I'm just frightened by how many people seem to think that "redeemed" equals "gets Kurt." Because... NO. Unclean. When someone is afraid of you, you don't get to bang them. Ever. (And, okay, Ryan Murphy is at the wheel. It is entirely possible K-Money will get Kurt for at least a while at some point, like in season three or something. I'm just saying. WRONG. God, please, I can do without another S7 of Buffy fiasco. Redemption DOES NOT equal banging someone you've assaulted.) THAT WAS MY RANT FOR THE DAY.
But yes, I agree that on general level these kids are all pretty selfish, but it's okay (I love hilarious bits like Duets), and when they overcome it, it produces beautiful things (hello Rachel).
Tumblr is off limits for me. I know don't follow anyone who posts spoilers (and thus follow only like... 2 glee related blogs), but it reached the point where I'm afraid to check the comments when people reblog me because auch. :D
Completely agree about Karofsky. He needs to get redeemed, but for Kurt to fall for him, that'd need some pretty twisted happennings, even if Karofsky does end up playing nice. I don't think Kurt could ever really erase those emotional scars, but I'd love to see them as... kind of friends. In the way Kurt already tried to help him in NBK.
I think the mad focus on romance over everything else in fiction is kind of harmful. It skews people's priorities when the constant message from all sides is ~romance and ~sex and then everything else is optional. I can pick up any book or pack of DVDs and take it for granted that there will be some kind of romance/sex inside, and there is no other human relationship with that kind of status. That... bothers me, and I don't think it's healthy, societally. It's big and important and should be treated as such, but it's so often at the expense of EVERYTHING ELSE EVER, man. I just don't know. OH WELL, here is my little corner of the internet, wherein even the creepy stalker fics are really about friendship. Well one of them is. Whatever. I try. I really have to figure out what it is about "WILL NOT EVER BE RECIPROCATED!attraction" that interests me.
You are wise. I cannot resist Tumblr's siren call, myself.
Yeah, no matter how nice Karofsky is at some point in the future, you can't erase being afraid of someone, and that has a really creepy, nasty edge when it comes to sexual relations. And omg, fiction does that SO OFTEN because everyone wants to be dark and edgy/about ~redemption/just thinks it's hot and intense, and if Glee could be the one place NOT to do that, it'd be peachy keen. But he's a fascinating character and they're going to be able to do so much with him, I can't even wait.
Gosh, I agree it skews people's priorities. How, most girls in high schools think they're worthless without a boyfriend. And I don't even live in America, and while most of the thing that happens on glee (e.g. extreme bullying) is unkown in my country, thankfully, this issue?! And the sad thing, I'm now an University student, and I still have ~friends who think like that. They don't say it out loud anymore, but sometimes they drop things like... how I don't have a life because I'm 20 and I don't have a boyfriend and I'm like, WHAT THE HELL?! The worst part is that I can see they don't want to be hurtful, they really think like that. And yes, this is all thanks to various forms of media. Let's not even talk about music. One of the many reasons I worship Harry Potter is because it does an amazing job on relationships and morales.
I really have to figure out what it is about "WILL NOT EVER BE RECIPROCATED!attraction" that interests me.
angst is healthy for the heart. I don't know, though. Karofsky has like this, sweet spot in my heart which aches for him to get better and I don't know how he got there.
Ah I know what you mean by "hot and intense", one of my friends who is self proclaimed Kurtsie is into Kurtofsky because it'd be so... edgy? unexpected? angsty? dysfunctional? Like, you know, it can happen, it's not popular, so I'm going to ship it just because. @.@
But I think he is a fascinating character, too, and Max Adler can portray anything so I'm really looking forward to where his story is going.
OMGGGGGGGGG YES, I know what you mean. It's so ridiculous and annoying! And it's not the girls' FAULT, it's just how they've been raised, the things they read/watch, the people they hang out with, but it is still. So. Annoying. Like, I can be happy without a dude, okay? No boyfriend =/ LONELY. And this like DEADLINE thing, like it's not enough to plan on getting one when you're ready, you need one NOW NOW NOW. No thank you.
Max Adler, man. He worms his way into the heart of anyone who gives him half a chance, I swear. He is so flipping good. I CANNOT WAIT FOR SUPERBOWL SUNDAY FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE, duuuude.
buy suspension of disbelief, not disbelief on its own.
I'll give Mike this, he (along with Artie) were the only two boys in the audience really into the Lady Gaga routine, he was willing to play Frank-N-Furter, and he looked shocked/startled/upset when Kurt stormed out in "Never Been Kissed". He seems (to me at least) a little more sensitive and easy-going than the rest of the jocks.
because I am all for Kurt/Blaine (so. freaking. charming. I can't even, they're so adorbs) but the reason I write this shit is because it's what I want to read, I am just so invested in friendship and family
This x 1000. Those two are my hopes for a canon 'ship but you know what I'd rather read about? The Cheerios standing up for Kurt when he comes back to McKinley and the ND girls + Kurt having a "no boyfriends" night and playing drinking games. :P
I love it when romantic 'ships play second fiddle to the friendships in stories and there is so little of that. As I said in another post, you could write Kurt + Finn forever and I would be ecstatic.
Maybe I should prompt something in the fluff meme about Kurt bailing on a date with Blaine because Finn/Mercedes/Rachel/whoever had a bad day and needs an "ice cream and movies night."
Omggg that picture, my Tumblr was all over with it, I'm so in love with it.
I love it when romantic 'ships play second fiddle to the friendships in stories and there is so little of that. HIGH FIVE GIRLFRIEND, THAT IS WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT.
FFFFFFFFFFFFFF, you totally should, it would be like that time Lea Michele talks about with Chris Colfer omg. I would totally do a fill on that shizzle, man.
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