Best Beloved

Apr 27, 2011 00:50

Spoilers: Up to 2.16
Warnings: Mild homophobia.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 5, 289
Disclaimer: RIB and FOX own everything ever.
Beta: rdm-ation
tumblr post

This prompt. Being read aloud to is for little kids, and Finn is making a concerted effort to grow up, so he definitely doesn't indulge in it. Much. Well, Kurt has a nice voice, okay.

So the whole thing sounded kind of sappy... )

fanfiction: glee, genre: canonesque, character: kurt hummel, character: finn hudson, mostly: fluff

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tamakito April 27 2011, 05:43:58 UTC
Oh wow, you as well are just like right here to make everything better, omg. You peach! I'm so psyched you liked it and felt it was in-character! And my standard Aw Shit Son Slap Some Insecurities on That Fluff technique, oh god. I swear that is what I always end up doing; I take some totally innocent fluffy prompt and at some point during the "okay why am I telling this story" process of wringing a theme out of it... INSECURITIES.

OMG ME TOO THO. JSS and PP were huge parts of my childhood. Huge. Me gustan.

Also Kurt and Finn's weird mature/v. childish ways of behaving legit do the most interesting things together. Because like Kurt's more grown up, really, but... he can be so incredibly self-involved and Finn can be very aware of others and such a caretaker in this odd way, and just. It's a thing.


pls do though I love being loved it is superb

THAT WAS THE WORST PART OF WRITING THIS. I now need Colfer audiobooks and what are the odds of that happening?! But I NEED THEM.

This is getting so long. I am delirious. Stopping now. You rock, you rule, muchas gracias!


slashtintedglss April 29 2011, 01:47:30 UTC
How did I not get a notification for this LJ!?!

I'm so so sorry for the late reply on this.

But anyway, I may or may not follow you on Tumblr (of which I am still a terrible, terrible noob, and don't really understand. I'm there for the beautiful, beautiful gifs. And the cool people that seem to just populate the dang place!) so I got the update when you posted it. And I don't sleep sometimes so the internet keeps me company at four in the morning

Insecurities are my fluff. Secretly. Just don't tell friendship or family; they'll just get jealous. XD

Oh themes. You haunt me. I was just writing a 5 +1 relationship piece and I snuck in an underlying general theme of "communication". I think this "theme" thing was ingrained by a childhood diet of children's television shows and Disney. It was obviously inevitable. That's why all our literature and media these days ends with so obviously and conveniently spelled out moral lessons, no?

JSS were so much love. I wrote so many kiddie book reports on those stories in elementary school. Good times. Good times.

I like this thing. They should do it more often. Take a hint RM, okay? Were already having you investigated for the disappearance of Carole Hudson-Hummel, but the least you can do is give us the "brothers" you're baiting us with.

And I love loving people, so it totally works. :D *sends out weekly care packages of love and cookies and compliments*

I am the queen of the ramble, so honestly I feel ya. And no. You rock, my friend. ^_^


tamakito April 29 2011, 03:43:46 UTC
Lol bro whut - I don't think this counts in any world as late! Especially not my world, where I am often weeks late with comments.

THE INTERNET IS BEST FOR 4 a.m. COMPANY THO. Omg also okay who are you on tumblr, so I can follow back?! Because there are at least two people I can think of that it's like - I want to follow them back judging from the little that's there, but they've only posted two things and have no bio so I don't know that they're groovy. But if it's you then I do know you're groovy so.



Also lol I should think a steady diet of any fiction worth its salt would instill a need for theme; it is pretty pointless to have fiction without a theme. I think the difference between, you know, most stuff and... Disney and whatnot is in subtlety, is all. That and - like. I think a good theme should be an observation, not a solution? You know? Like good stuff tends to have a theme like "war hurts people" whereas something more childish turns it from a theme into a moral and is like, "violence is BAD and DON'T DO IT KIDS; observe our protagonist learn useful ways to not be violent!" Which is like a good an important thing to teach, but... doesn't make for super good fiction.

OH GOD JSS THO. I grew up with a copy of them at this house we used to rent in the fall back when we had money, so it... means vacation and the beach and that HOUSE to me, and I loooove Kipling's narration so fucking much, that racist condescending imperialistic bastard, I still do.





slashtintedglss April 29 2011, 05:02:00 UTC
I'm so used to all these super saavy tech people who reply nearly instantaneously on there iPhones and what not that I forget that a few days is reasonable time. (Not to mention, I feel bad about neglecting a poor little comment for so long. All alone. In the cold. My heart!)

Heh. Well, you kinda already follow back. (And social awkwardness strikes again!) Actually, I believe we exchanged comments, or reblogs, or whatever those things are called. (All this new lingo: I try, but I cannot). I try to post quite a bit but I'm not really used to what I'm supposed to say and I feel...weird? talking about myself all the time. And I frequently abuse the English language with my improper grammatical structures and punctuation. My English teachers would cry. Alas, I was born this way And I still feel generally "fail"-y because it took me a lot longer than it should have to figure out gifs and tags and the like. And ask boxes. Head meet desk. You two should get acquainted. I'm digitonicelectronic over there because I have a thing for pointless rhymes and sounding like I'm generally cooler than I am.

I think communication needs to be the theme of my life. That and patience. Wait... That's a virtue.

See I have this thing with "themes". I believe it's impossible to write something without a concept or message or overarching, well, theme in mind, but high school made me hate the word or rather the word/concept. Themes are more innate in my personal experience. When I had to start to put them into words, what I generally found was that it didn't quite mesh with what teachers wanted. Close but no cigar? I felt that they threw around the word without understanding quite what they were suggesting or asking of us. Like, "What was the theme of this piece?" if I said "communication" it would be to broad, if I said "that communication is the basis from which all interpersonal relationships grow" they would berate at me for being to specific. "Communication breeds confusion" didn't grasp the mood or connotations I wanted, and I could never seem to satisfy myself to fit their "themes". Usually I would just placate them by saying something trite like "communication is life" which feels like the equivalent of "x is potato" or "star is space"; somethings not quite right there. But they never seemed to notice. And it bugged the ever loving crap out of me. Can you tell? But I'll stop the RL rant now. Sorry.


The Ramble Queen strikes again. One of these days I'll learn to stick to the point. Today is not that day.

Also. I love strikethrough. I really don't know why. I'm sorry if it's really obnoxious. Maybe one of these days I'll learn to stop that too...


tamakito April 29 2011, 11:58:27 UTC
Lol oh god the phone people. I was convinced for ages that one of my friends was psychic because she always pokes me back on Facebook INSTANTLY. Well really I was convinced that she was on Facebook an unhealthy amount. And I finally asked and she was like "lol Adi you ditz it's called a phone" and DUH. So that happened.


Ooh, I gotcha. Bad school experiences, man. I was spared this sort of tomfoolery by way of homeschooling followed by some awesomecakes college classes.





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