While going through papers in my closet just now, I came across a single page from the first story I remember writing. It was in second grade, and it was a horror story called "The Scream". Behind the LJ-cut I've transcribed the page, complete with some abuse of punctuation (quotation marks especially) and a couple misspelled words, a single tense error, and lots of exclamation marks. I'm honestly surprised by how good the writing is though, considering I was seven years old. I'd just gotten big into Stephen King then, and that's probably what sparked this story.
Chapter 2
As Jason slept that night, the jester was preparing to find a way to kill him. The jester hadn't been ready for Jason to resist him. Every child he killed put up a tiny bit of resistance; but Jason was different entirely. The children he made into deadly replicas of himself, the horrible deaths he caused, those he got gory pleasure from. But Jason? Jason, the jester knew, was going to resist him for a long time. He also knew that he himself might be the loser in this fight. They both had an equal chance; the jester or Jason. One would live, one would die. Who would it be?
Jason looked around in suspicion. When he had awakened in the morning, the house had been empty. Now, three hours later, it was still empty. Where is everyone? Jason wondered. Then he saw a movement upstairs. He ran upstairs, but began slipping on a strange, dark red liquid. Then a tinkling of bells, and Jason realized the fluid was blood, and the tinkling was the jester! Jason found himself, again, falling down the void. But he wasn't in a ring! He knew that when he hit bottom, he would die. A unholy peace came over him. So what if he died? he figured. "It wouldn't matter anyway." he said aloud. Then he screamed. I can't give up! He shouted this above the roaring wind as he fell, going faster and faster. "I won't let the jester take me! I won't let it! Jester, you won't get me! I won't let you!" Then he saw the hard grey rock on bottom, as it seemed to move up, going to meet Jason. He braced himself for the death that must come. Then, instead of the death he had expected, only a cold, clammy sensation came over him. When he opened his eyes, he found himself flying through the rock! He looked to the right, only to see the jester flying right along side him! Suddenly his hand fly out, aiming to hit the jester. But the jester was ready. When Jason's hand wen out, he grabbed his arm, and, within a matter of minutes, Jason was dead.