There'll be a bigger image post later once the images have been sorted and processed (we shot nearly 300 photos) but for now, I have three images from last night's photo shoot. These were taken by a friend, Phil, who's also a professional photographer.
Funny story: while we were hanging out in the basement of Phil's apartment building getting ready to shoot photos, we were about two feet away from a door. I was standing facing the door, in full costume, holding a real skinning knife (same one seen in the photos) with my arm up. The knife was at about chest-level, since I was goofing around and pretending to be all stabby. Phil was crouching on the floor going through his camera lenses. A guy opened the door to come into the basement and froze in mid-step, staring at me. It was obvious seeing me had completely short-circuited the guy's brain. I just stared back silently. Phil realized he was there and said, "Not what you expected to see, huh?" and the guy was like, "Uh... yeah." Heh. I had a hard time not laughing.
Oh man, we were COVERED in dust after shooting this series of photos. You see those marks on the floor near my hand? That's where I'd disturbed the dust. The floor was covered with a solid layer. Oh well, it just makes the costume look more authentic.