Gax is an alien character that's part of the Wondermark comic, and occasionally he does Q&As where you can submit questions and he'll answer. I submitted a question a few months ago, and today
it got answered.
For those who don't like clicking links, my question in bold, and Gax's answer in plain text:
Dear Gax,
I have a two-year-old son who is basically trouble incarnate. This child positively delights in doing things he knows he shouldn’t, and thinks up new ways to aggravate me on a daily basis. His elder brother was a much easier child, so I’m at a loss for how to deal with the little weasel. He isn’t old enough for time-outs yet. Any suggestions?
- Exhausted Parent
Dear Exhausted,
How have you been disciplining the child up till now? You say he is not old enough for time-outs, because he may not be developed enough to understand that ten minutes in a corner is supposed to be a punishment, rather than simply a considerate rest period before the next mischief. Yet even without a capacity for higher reasoning, the child, like any animal, will respond to more primitive stimulus.
Perhaps a more severe variant - a Super Time-Out, if you will - should be considered, where instead of being confronted with an abstract absence of stimulation (difficult to make the cognitive leap into behavior deterrence), the child is instead thrust into a stressful survival situation. For instance, if he teases the cat, submerge him immediately in a box of spiders. He will quickly learn not to tease the cat.
Gax, savagely