Toronto Steampunk Society outing

May 17, 2009 18:58

Today I went to a TSS gathering. I'd intended to wear my new tweed corset (*mutter mutter, throws something across room*) but suffice it to say that I screwed up on sewing the left half and it just wasn't ready to wear. So instead I wore my dusky-purple skirt with the 16' hem (and yes, with the massive petticoat underneath), and my green brocade corset made by diannadinoble, an old-fashioned white blouse with broach at the collar, and a navy-blue felt coat. Accessories were my broach, satchel (now with compass!), pocketwatch, and goggles (since this IS still Augusta... it's just Augusta when she's forced to dress up). I'd intended on bringing my new gun but forgot it as I was rushing out the door, alas.

But why am I blathering on? I know you really just want to see pictures.

We all met at St Lawrence Market and then went wandering up toward Allan Gardens. We stopped off at the Armory to look for trouble:

Then we continued on to Allan Gardens, after a brief stop by Harvey's for some food. Some of the group at Allan Gardens (I'm in the center, long skirt and olive-green satchel):

The ladies, and a couple dandies:

Most of the ladies:

Most of the fellas:

Most of the group:

The freaky squirrel who was wandering about nearby:

Two of me by myself:

Amanda (one of the three organizers of the event) and me:

going out, steampunk, pictures

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