My first LJ post

Apr 17, 2009 01:39

was on July 13, 2003. A few weeks earlier I'd made the acquaintance of abigor, northbard, and tormenta at that year's Pride Parade, and they said I should join LJ and sent me an invite code. And here we are now, almost six years later. northbard and tormenta are still friends of mine, and abigor has become one of my very best friends. I met another one of my very best friends through LJ - pink_siamese. A lot of my local friends are people I met after meeting them first on LJ (including some who are now far away, such as alexisyael); then there are others that I met on other forums, such as birthingway, lawn_mama, kettunainen, chubbyfemme, the furry crew, etc., where friending each other on LJ allowed us to develop much deeper friendships than we would otherwise have had.

My LJ family, whether I've met them individually in real life or not, have been a major support system for me during hard times and a cheering section during the good times. I've done my best to be there for everyone as well, and it means a lot to me to count such an amazing, thoughtful, intelligent, caring group of people as being among my friends.

My life would be very different if it weren't for LJ, and I don't believe it would be nearly as interesting. I love all y'all. <3

First post:
It's altogether too late for me to be awake. Nobody should be awake at 6 AM. I'm sure the pug is sleeping on my pillow right at this very second. He knows he's supposed to stay at the foot of the bed but he's a sneaky beast, as soon as I'm out of the room he has his head on my pillow. At least he doesn't drool, I suppose.

Poo. So much for getting a basal body temperature this morning.

Okay, I'm probably not making all that much sense. I mean, I seem to be making sense to me, but that doesn't necessarily translate into making sense to other people. Being tired will do that to you. It will also make you ramble. I'm probably rambling right now. Ramble ramble ramble. That's an odd word when you look at it. Ramble.

...Um. Going to sleep now. Night all. (Or would that be "morning all"?)

gratitude, meme, friends

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