Perhaps I shall start tumbling, but first can you explain to me how its purpose differs from that of LJ for you ? Is it mostly just visual content? I started one a few weeks ago in which I post a pic du jour. But I havent had it very long & Ive been bad about posting regularly. & I havent had the time to write descriptions as I would like, so I havent gone public with it.
lj is for WRITING and tumblr is for INTERNETTING. it's all just a bunch of links and internet stuff and mobile uploads. i think you're mostly right about visual content. anyway, consider yourself added, little lady.
no comments! unless you reblog with your own comments. i actually like the no commenting. (you CAN find the code and let people comment, but that was too much work for me...)
Perhaps I shall start tumbling, but first can you explain to me how its purpose differs from that of LJ for you ? Is it mostly just visual content?
I started one a few weeks ago in which I post a pic du jour. But I havent had it very long & Ive been bad about posting regularly. & I havent had the time to write descriptions as I would like, so I havent gone public with it.
I want to say that I not only LUV that slouchyclog look but also that Chloe is my fave & Ive been wanting a bag foreverrrr.
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