[04] Ashes To Ashes [01] Bones [01] Community [06] Doctor Who [01] How I Met Your Mother [07] The Tudors
→ Feel free to nominate me. Please let me know if I win though! :) → Credit if you wanna, all icons are sharable. → Please comment with your opinion, even if it's not positive! → Blanks are not bases, please do not alter the icons or claim as yours. → Like what you see? Please friend tamaduh.
I recently revived my old statinary comp and got a big lust for icons making again. Well, that along with TV being SO GOOD right now OMG. So, yay! I've obvs been out of practice of late but I've had so much fun doing these. // Anno
Ashes To Ashes [1-2] [3-4]
Bones, Community & How I Met Your Mother [5-7]
Doctor Who [8-10] [11-13]
The Tudors [14-17] [18-20]
PIMPS: If you like to icon Doctor Who/Torchwood, please go apply to thesatanpit If you like to icon TV in general, go apply to thefocusgroup Quote for this post comes from episode 16 of Portland Sucks After Hours