[[Voice]] 001 Roses~

May 30, 2009 03:13

Hm~? I've never seen this device before, I perhaps I sho- OH! W-What?

.. It's not the most enchanting accessory I've worn, but why wont i-OW! ..

Maybe I'll leave it on for the time being!
I don't remember even falling asleep. Am I ill? I hope I didn't effect the event in anyway, Haruhi worked so hard! All her effort is lost.. gone.. GONE~!
Because of my selfishness, she may be too afraid to try anything, ever again!

But.. I've never seen this room before, I guess the nurses office is being redecorated.. Or.. maybe.. is everybody ill?! Is the infirmary so full with seriously ill and dying students, that I'm forced to lye here, in a room that's so... strangely decorated compared to the rest of the academy's decor? I will gladly endure this for those I happily serve!

* Tap, tap, tap.*    An echo?   Oh, can anybody hear me?

.... KAORU?...HIKARU?   W..Why are you doing this to me!?
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