Nov 23, 2010 23:14
So, how has everyone's week been? I'm on break right now, so I've been home all day. You would think I'd be having a great time doing nothing and sitting at home, but I've actually been very bored.
Very. Bored.
Bored-of-even-the-internet-bored even.
So I went and found our little PS2 to play some video games. The only thing is, we don't own that many games. Most of really stupid casual games like Guitar Hero and karaoke. Then we have some games from earlier in this decade that I had completed.
We did get three games last year though- God of War, Devil May Cry 3, and Gundam Dynasty Warriors 2. So I tried them.
God of War? No. I never liked violent games, plus I don't think I'd be smart enough to get very far in it. Can't find it either.
Devil May Cry? No. I spent 10 minutes and didn't even beat the first boss. The dualshock every 5 seconds also really turned me off from the game(SO MUCH PUN), so I just quit.
So then I tried out the Gundam game. I thought I was not going to like it either, because my sister didn't last 10 minutes before quitting. I also was utterly confused watching her place, especially on missions in space.
But I played the game, and I got into it. 9 hours straight means into it, right?
Yeah, I really like the game, because it has multiple options of missions and characters. Like, right now I'm stuck on a mission with a creepy gundam mutant, but I've been able to play other missions as well! I'll get back to it sometime.
I'm not a huge gamer, if telling how I have only a Playstation, PS2, and DS with few games makes it any obvious. I do play Guild Wars some on the PC, but so far I don't have access to a PC able to run the game so it's been a little while since I've played. Most of my games are casual or games for children, like Spyro. I was actually proud of myself when I finished that game.
I have, though, been able to get into my games. Guild Wars is easy to find yourself playing for hours. But then I have Harvest Moon, which I can also spend a good long time playing to get through a whole year.
So really, I'm not new to playing video games, I'm just not a serious gamer with the cool games that even I would like to have.*Shifts to Pheonix Wright and Professor Layton*
Well, I have been playing that for 9 hours and it's getting pretty late, so I'm just gonna go pass out.
I did have a ridiculously long dream last night. I woke up early in the morning and fell back asleep and the dream continued. It had a lot of tension, and I remember trying to navigate my way in a suburb by the city late in the evening trying to find a bus to get home after running away from someone's property. Can't give you much detail other than that, though.
Good night!
why can't i remember?,
i hear awesome voices,