Aug 22, 2003 13:33
damnit i feel like i've got a piece of blubber attactched to my lower jaw and another one in place of my tongue. even my ears are numb. i just got my wisdom teeth out a couple of hours ago and the novacaine is still being a b****. I want someone to come over and keep me company but no one is online and if i tried calling i'd sound something like "phwehglo, tab gu kob offer?"
plus i'm taking some percocet in a bit, painkiller that makes one drowsy, so i might as well not make someone come over and then fall asleep. i think i'm gonna rent sleepy hollow so i can analyze it. the first time i watched it i didnt appreciate it because it had a little too much lewdness and gratutitous violence. maybe this time i will appreciate the characters more and their acting skills. plus I want to see if Jonny Dep did as good a job portraying Ichabod Craine as he did that that awesome Cap'n in "Pirates of the Caribbean".
Sorry for not posting for a while folks. first i was too busy towards the end of the school year, then i was grounded, then a storm turned off my pci drive and it took a month to figure out what was wrong and get the modem working again. and now..i'm just lazy.
anywho, i'm feeling actual pain instead of just numbness now, so i should take my painkiller soon. gtg, night night