black friday

Nov 27, 2009 16:22

woke up at 3am

bobbed in and out of sleep till 3:30am as planned per my dad needing to use the bathroom to shower

at 3:40am i was finally able to use the shower

by 4:30am i was dressed and cleaned up.. time to put pants on..

4:43 i finish putting my pants on (wtfmissingtime?)

4:47 i arrive at work late

4:48 i am informed at the front door that we were to use the back door (i feel like an idiot 1)

4:50 i finally enter the store

4:55 i clock in

4:58 i check with the service desk for a scanner.. there are none left

4:59 people are comming in.. i realize i need the keys.. im trapped.. the main isle is bottlenecked..

5:02 i find that my old friend nick already has the keys (i feel like an idiot 2)

5:06 i finally push past the madness of customers and reach electronics.. nick is there and some girl from checkout.. customers are everywhere..

5:?? chris appears from nowhere and has me unlock an entire section of mp3 players on the main isle (im worrying that joe from LP will flip out about this)

5:?? chris appears from nowhere again and has me stand around in front of the videogames to assist customers (the sheer amount of customers are starting to overwhelm me..)

5:?? there is a fat bald man who has a walkie a scanner and a gold nametag.. i suspect he is the new manager (confirmed later on)

7:?? first break.. I'm really feeling helpless and overwhelmed... too many customers.. why do i work here?

7:?? chris appears from nowhere and has me head to the cage to backstock items and pull other items to be filled (i feel relieved that i can escape the madness..

??:?? (losing track of what time it is) I've worked through the first flatbed.. its almost done.. the man i suspect to be the new manager arrives in the cage.. he seems nice.. he makes a comment about the lack of items having actually been backstocked properly.. this is a problem i seek to fix..

??:?? i finish his cart and someone from recieving brings another.. i start working it.. the new manager arrives in back and looks at the cart.. seemingly somewhat puzzled.. i explain that someone brought a new cart.. he says something like "keep it up"..

??:?? finished the first cart.. almost done with backstock.. i discover one last pallet of tvs

??:?? borrowed keys to open the cage

??:?? finishing tvs and run into nick just as i reach the cage.. return borrowed keys.. start backstocking tvs..

??:?? finish backstocking tvs and use the same flatbed to help nick put other things to be put on the floor..

11:30 take my half.. feeling better.. listen to carl sagan autotuned..

??:?? I've lost track of a lot at this point... at some point im helping work out nick's flatbed and its almost done.. chris scolds me for leaving it in the mall isle.. even though its nick's doing.. (i feel like an idiot and a fool as well as a scapegoat)

??:?? the new people are here.. more people i know.. thank god.. they tell me of a rumor that i was yelled at by the new manager and was kicked out of electronics for standing around.. chris told me to stand around there... what the fuck? (now i feel more foolish and ever more the scapegoat)

??:?? nick has bo work out the two mall isle flats.. i get yelled at by name for the flatbed being on the floor.. so i go and get the miniforklift to drag them out off the floor.. (again i feel like the scapegoat)

??:?? continue working out games.. none of them have spots..

??:?? ..almost time to go.. planning on talking to chris.. rumor has it that he is the rumor source..

??:?? search for chris.. cant find him anywhere.. wtf?

??:?? finally find chris.. i talk to chris ... he suggests that maybe the reason that the rumor started was because i was late.. PRETTY MUCH ADMITTING THAT HE STARTED IT THE DICKHEAD, BECAUSE BEING LATE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT THE RUMOR WAS ABOUT.. so i explain myself to him as best i could without breaking down.. and leave.. i weave through the store and exit as fast as i can..

1:??pm arrive home.. mom's watching a movie about Japanese culture and i feel bad that im in such a bad mood.. i lay down and go to sleep till 4ish.. jess is away.. most people are away.. jess left me a message.. shes so sweet..

5:39 ...going to get ready to go to fuji bay.. i need some sushi..
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