(no subject)

Mar 29, 2006 22:13

the times are a changin'.
i am very much looking forward to college life, new york life, an independent life. being solely self reliant will be my biggest challenge besides saving up. everyone talks about growing up and moving away,and starting a new life but no one ever does it. im taking my chances as they come, i dont want to have any regrets when i old. if his only wish was for me to stay i couldnt grant it.  
i love him dearly but we dont see eye to eye sometimes. when it is late at night and he is not home my stomach churns. when everyone is at his house except me i feel left out. if we argue im drained. im so easily irritated. the past is never forgotten. why does he get in the middle why does he always come up if he doesnt respect me he does not respect you either. why did you tell everyone? i love my uncle hes the best and your not changing my mind. i love our naps and our silly jokes that no one else would understand, our late night conversations, your house over my house. but i wont go to your house anymore.

p.s  my tattoo is peeling like a motherfucker.
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