Outside POV Rec

Jan 07, 2012 12:29

A few days ago, I asked where outside POVs were in fandom... (I am absolutely too lazy to link to the post now) And I got a few answer all of them wonderful, including this Merlin/Arthur Modern AU that ella_bane recced me:

IT'S A PENDRAGON DAY, SO YOU KNOW GOOD SHIT IS GONNA GO DOWN, by sebastiansais ; R ; 4 Parts ; 33k words
A/S: In the corner, nearby the wall against which most of the furniture in the room had been pushed, a blond guy is exaggeratedly thrusting his pelvis against the wriggling ass of a brown-haired boy half bent over in his exertions... Jesus fucking christ. Arthur fucking Pendragon. In which a party inexplicably lasts over 20,000 words. So, a lot of sitting around and talking. Modern AU set in the US.

One of the (many) good things about this fic is the outside POV. The actual narrator (and main character) is an OC. He goes to this party, and then re-meets Arthur - golden boy from back in highschool - and discover his boyfriend Merlin. And that, that was the last thing Corey expected from Arthur Pendragon. Everything is great and Corey is an amazing character. I cringed a little at Gwen's characterization, but after a while you understand and it makes so much sense. This is a great great fic. And don't let yourself get frightened by the "a lot of sitting around and talking" (that's what prevented me from reading this story before), it's really worth the read!

pairing: oc/oc, pov: oc, character: elyan, type: university!au, pairing: arthur/merlin/oc, character: arthur, rec: merlin, author: sebastiansais, mau à compiler, merlin, character: freya, kink: moresome, character: merlin, pairing: arthur/merlin, character: lancelot, character: oc, character: gwen, pov: outside pov, modern au, character: leon

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