Gwaiiiine - a Rec

Sep 03, 2011 11:18

I'm in a Gwaine mood, so I'm reading fic wherein Gwaine is amazing/one of the main characters. It includes re-reading some Merlin/Arthur Modern AUs I read a while ago... and reccing them! ((any Gwaine fic recs?))

For A While, by eldee ; PG-13 ; One-Shot ; 9660 words
A/S : In which Merlin needs a pretend boyfriend, Arthur can’t say no, and Gwaine laughs at them both.

The fic makes me smile soooo much! The summary is very accurate, and it's exactly the kind of fics I love, so I had no hesitation reading it. And I was right to do so, since this fic is really amazing. There's not an hint of angst, just the boys finally reaching the end of months of obliviousness. And Gwaine laughing at them. (Did I mention that Gwaine is amazing?)

character: balinor, character: gwaine, pairing: balinor/hunith, type: pretending-to-be-together!fic, merlin, character: hunith, character: merlin, pairing: arthur/merlin, author: eldee, character: arthur, rec: merlin, modern au

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