I'm back with some
paperlegends finally! It's a Merlin/Arthur Modern AU, for a change: (if LJ manages not to eat my entry... pleaaase)
L'Amour Est Bleu/Love Is Blue, by
rotrude ; NC-17 ; 4 Parts ; 31k words
A/S : Arthur's a corporate genius, but his French language skills are so catastrophically bad, he courts disaster during an informal meeting with a financial backer. (Though it's only the fault of near homophones, if you ask him.) Uther's not happy, Freya might have been expecting Arthur's communication debacle, while Merlin might just be the solution to Arthur's Babel problems. And then there's Gwaine who woos people with apples and wants to be the teacher's pet.
This story is very sweet and beautiful. I have a soft spot for the French side of it, since I'm French myself and Merlin as a teacher is the most marvelous thing I've ever read. It has magic and, for once, a pretty good explanation of why Balinor left. It's a simple (in a good way) story, with nice falling in love and a very hot and full of love porn scene. And Merlin owns a dog named Kil whi whines when Arthur's not there... I love many things about this story, but I have to mention the last line, which is wonderful, and Freya being Arthur's PA, which is an amazing idea. Go read it!