REC and a story about bookmarking

Aug 28, 2011 01:06

Maybe you don't care, but before the rec, I wanted to tell you a bit about my Merlin bookmarks of doom. My bookmarks of Merlin fic are in 5 categories:
- the to-read: this is a big junk bookmarking place, wherein there are folders containing folders containing folders (none of them has a name of course XD), most of them created thanks to the very useful function in my Internet browser, which allows to save all the tabs of of window into a folder of bookmarks. Anyway... Rough approximation? There's about 950 links there, lot of doubles or triples, though... but still! That's a lot of fics to read!
- the "REC" folder: it's where I bookmark a fic I just read, want to rec NOW but can't because I have to leave the computer/do something more important. No more than 10 fics in it at a time.
- the "Merlin Recced" folder: it contains the bookmarks for the fics I recced. I often notice some are missing, but it's generally accurate. It contains 156 fics
- the "transfert" folder: it contains all the fics I bookmarked before starting my rec list, and I also add the fics I'm not sure about: usually when I put a fic in this folder now means "to re-read before reccing or not". It was also used as the "REC" folder before I created it, but it was confusing and complicated. Eventually, I hope to sort all the fics I read before starting my rec list into recced/not recced... It contains 308 fics.
- the "Transfert Merlin" folder: it contains the fics I liked, but don't want to rec. It happens (though not a lot) that after re-reading one of the stories, the bookmark is transferred to "transfert", for a new trial XD It contains 175 fics
- I also have now 71 tabs of Merlin fics open, most of them not bookmarked yet....

(Oh and, for the beauty of it, I also have a folder of Harry Potter French fanfictions I liked, which contains 526 fics...)

Anyway, now let's go to the rec! This one has been in the REC folder for a few days and it's a Merlin/Arthur Modern AU:

Twenty Years Later by darkdeeplakes ; NC-17 ; Seven Parts
A/S : Following a messy break up at University, Merlin and Arthur spend the next twenty years apart until circumstances bring them back together again.

This is a beautiful story of love and redemption. How you need that special someone to make you really happy. How sometimes life takes tortuous path to take you to something you could have one from day one... except that you couldn't, because growing up apart can be a great way to work out together in the end. This is an amazing fic. The minor characters are amazing and how Arthur and Merlin find each other again is delicious.

character: morgana, pairing: gwen/lancelot, author: darkdeeplakes, character: arthur, rec: merlin, event: magic reveal, character: edwin, merlin, pairing: leon/morgana, character: freya, character: merlin, pairing: arthur/merlin, character: uther, character: lancelot, type: magical!au, character: oc, character: gwen, modern au, character: leon

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