Because diversity is good... Rec

Aug 21, 2011 11:51

A few recs ago I was blabling about liking a fic wherein the characters don't live in their head. But I ALSO like fics wherein characters live in their head :p So I'm up for diversity tonight today, and offer you another kind of Merlin/Arthur Modern AU (I read this fic a while ago actually...):

No Regrets, by planejane ; NC-17 ; Two Parts ; 11k words
A/S : Arthur and Merlin used to be together. Then they split up, but while Arthur acts naturally and a little bit cheeky in front of Merlin, Merlin gets shy and is more reserved.'  It turns out, though, neither of them has moved on.

This is a fic about so much love it makes your head fuzzy. But this is also a fic about growing up (even though the person growing up is an adult) and finding peace with oneself. Because Arthur is a prat who is afraid to love, and he can't keep on like that until the end of his life. The side characters are wonderful. I especially love Leon being of friend of Merlin's (even if he was a friend of Arthur's first) and growing overprotective over him. Leon and Merlin are not often associated together and I'm happy to read it here. This is a wonderful fic, all in all, and it'll make you happy.

character: morgana, pairing: gwen/lancelot, event: magic reveal, pairing: leon/morgana, merlin, character: merlin, pairing: arthur/merlin, character: lancelot, character: arthur, rec: merlin, author: planejane, character: gwen, type: magical!au, modern au, character: leon

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