Two Arthur/Merlin Modern AUs :
An Issue of Mind over Matter, by
rotrude ; NC-17 ; 3 Parts : 20k words
A/S : Written as a fill for this
kinkme_merlin prompt: Where Arthur is older than Merlin maybe 30/18 and Merlin doesn't tell Arthur that he's still a virgin, because he fears that Arthur wouldn't have had sex with him. But soon Arthur realizes that something is wrong with Merlin with the way the boy is making noises of deep destress when Arthur's pushing inside of him.
I read this fic on KMM and waited patiently for it to be de-anoned to rec it! Now it's done. This is a real nice fic, with Merlin being childish and everything, yet very... Merlin, and a bit mature too. Arthur is a prat, but how is that a change? A very nice read!
The Job Interview From Hell, by
winterstorrm ; NC-17 ; 25 parts (actually 13, with 12 of them being cut in two) ; 93k words
A/S : On the TV show ’The Apprentice’ Merlin is a candidate, Sir Uther is mean and Arthur is his boardroom assistant. Will Merlin make it through the twelve weeks without hearing the immortal words, ‘You’re fired’? Is he playing to win the job or Arthur's heart?
I was a bit dubious at first, because I don't really like this kind of show... And I have to admit the beginning (read, the prologue and first chapter) were nice, but not much more... And then... I kept on reading and it was the best idea I ever had! You then get completely swallowed by the story and absolutely can't stop reading. I LOVE that there's a lot of different characters (almost all of them coming from the show), and they all have their importance, and an evolution thru the fic. And the A/M relationship is absolutely delightful. And Uther is WONDERFUL! The POV is Merlin's, and it's great because the Merlin is very attaching too. I could go on like that for a while but I hink you get it: read this fic!