So I watched the Canadian Nationals on CBC bold (online stream) b/c the debauchery seen on the CBC network edit is pretty bad (though I think I may like the commentators on the CBC TV network more than the CBC bold) Not to mention that I get to see the entire thing and all I have to do is ignore the commentators for the most part.
That aside, Of course Pchiddy wins by a landslide... no that's putting it lightly. I'm not going to think about it b/c although it was clean it was just really meh to me. Whatevs, CBC must be paid to love him despite the obvious inflation. I mean for god sakes there was already a 11pt lead for a double axel performance in the SP... a Freaking double axel >_>
Check out his Free Skate Please team Japan, kick his ass with your awesome-ness. Knock him off! Knock him off *chants* (not likely happening but there's always wishful thinking....) I'm having a hard time deciding who else I want. b/c I want BJou to win something, and so many others... Actually, more so than anything else, I want a podium made up of performances that actually deserved it :(
There were 3 things that made me happy with Nationals (in chronological order)
1) Cynthia Phaneuf's National title return (ok granted, Joannie wasn't there and it would have been kind of interesting to see who would have won) I can't say she was my fav female skater, but maybe it's the backstory that made me happy.
Either way, gorgeous program 2) 2 years of sitting out due to injury, where I've never heard of this dude before, Elladj Balde comes along out of nowhere with big jumps and fun choreo and is in need of having his national SP and FS uploaded. He was 4th in the SP and 5th overall. I see great things await if he continues lalalala.
3) Finally, I think this my favorite moment. Shawn Sawyer fascinated me in the beginning as the mad flexible guy with a signature move of
I-Spin (now cringe, but be amazed all the same) and who jumps clockwise (which is not as common apparently). Then he was the one I knew as the guy who used Alice in Wonderland, may not be the most fantabulous jumper, doesn't really have the quad, but has other qualities that make up for it. Honestly, regardless winning the silver, Seeing his joy, and how well he performed, I so didn't care and thank you for showing us that you can actually do a proper donut, which came across as surprising when I saw you in NHK thinking for someone so flexible, how do you not do a proper donut spin? I wasn't the hugest stan of him (heck I barely follow him), all I've got to say is Wow. By the end of the day what I'll mainly remember of this Nationals is that
Shawn Sawyer did this Next stop is Worlds since I don't know if I'll have time to watch Euros...