Glee and stuff

May 20, 2009 00:29

Tammy approves of ONTD's shameless promotion of this series:

Thanks to them, I found out about this series and it looks promising. Too bad it's not starting till the fall but at least it's the usual summer lazy days where only So you think you can Dance is the most excitement you usually see on TV for the most part. Let's just jope ti's not the same stinking dances over and over again this year T_T;

I hope I don't randomly forget about watching this later on. Probably not if it continues to live up to its hype.

Is it bad that the first thing I notice is that one of the main cast was Charlie in both Heroes and Ugly Betty? And then I noticed that there was some other people that were small potatoes on Heroes, like the lady that played Meredith and one that played one of the cheerleaders that Claire didn't like? /end tangent/

tv junkie-ism

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