So, I was reading some chapters from my Food and Culture book and found the following points interesting regarding American food culture:
1. They're actually marinated, sliced, breaded and deep-fried beef testicles. Over 4500 pounds of this is consumed annually during the testicle festival. while enjoying live country music. They put a new meaning to wasting nothing when it comes to eating. Apparently, they were popular here too but called Prairie Oysters.
2. Indiana is best known as the world's top popcorn producer.
3. That veggie burger, you're eating right now? Well the idea came from chemists working at Ford Motor Company in 1937 when they were trying to create a synthetic wool, discovered that soybeans could be made into analog protein products. This was done by spinning the vegetable protein fibers and make them taste like meat.
4. Bears make good bacon because they have enough fat (one grizzly would provide ten gallons of pure, tendered fat and would be worth 75$ in the late 1800s.) Mmmmmm grease >_>;
5. Stone crabs grow huge claws; thus one of Florida's specialty is to catch that crab, rip that claw and throw it back in the water... It'll grow back.......... eventually.
6. Kentucky caviar is really squirrel brains... They're usually mixed in scrambled eggs or to burgoo (a stew). In fact, 1.5 millions squirrels are killed annually; maybe that's why there's such a huge congregation of squirrels here, they don't get eaten. However, health official were concerned that this food may be a source of the Human version of Mad Cow's Disease.
7. In South-eastern US; Death Strokes is so high that that region is dubbed the "Stroke belt". Isn't that lovely to know?
8. Between 1907 and 1916 in San Francisco or Los Angeles, a Chinese chef created Fortune cookies probably for shameless promotion purposes. It is said that the fortune may date back to the days where Chinese insurgents plotting the overthrow of Mongolian rule distributed the plans inside moon cakes. I knew about the mooncakes, so it was amusing seeing how it may relate to it.
Needless to say, I am amused. Now why am I reading this instead of Research method? Do you need to ask? Maybe I should work on that presentation instead or purchasing....