I am more convinced than I was ever before that Miyano Mamoru was an awesome fit for Tamaki in Host Club. He spazzes just as much as the character. I am speechless with the sheer amount of spazzing he does that he's absolutely adorable. The amount of stars and emoticons he uses in his entries is super amusing as seen here:
http://oh-tuti.livejournal.com/64147.html#cutid3 Perhaps it's not from understanding much about what he's saying but he's so random! To think he's 24 and 6ft, which is tall... really tall. With entries like this:
I'm having lunch a li~ttle late☆☆
I'm at this ramen stand that Fukkii recommended as "the best place ever" (>_<)
And this place is amazingly.....
Let's enjoy a nice giggly meal☆
How can he not be made of win? No wonder he made such an awesome Tamaki!
Finally, something non-Arashi related LOL (now to get back to doing something somewhat productive)