(no subject)

Aug 21, 2004 19:00

It's almost September.


That means November is coming soon.

Which means National Novel Writing Month is fast approaching.

Once I've decided on which novel I want to write, this will be less frightening a prospect. Currently I have three ideas: a fanfic set in an alternate DC Universe, a Grand World Conspiracy story, and a tween/young adult fantasy about a princess and her clockwork knight.

Anyhow. We'll see which one it will be. At any given moment one of them gains prominence, and then is soon usurped by one of the others. At the moment I'm favouring the fantasy novel. But having fun with a DC fanfic might be a nice change of pace. Then again, I'm already writing urban science fantasy in the form of Squirrelman, so do I really want to write TWO superhero stories? The Conspiracy story is sort of my fallback option, because I have a list of one hundred possible plot twists I made a while back.

Hey, local NaNovelists... Which of us discovered NaNoWriMo first? The website lists The Tough Love Muse of Montreal as the first of us registered... but where did she hear about it from?

Plus Squirrelman, weekly. Plus Talyesin's Daily 500s. I must be nuts.

By the way... if you're looking for a Daily 500 today, there ain't one. I'm giving myself the weekends off. To recharge and stuff.

Doesn't mean I'm not writing. Look. I'm writing right now. Watch me write! Write write write!

Just means I'm not publishing what I've written, for now. Plus I'm doing research on writing, publishing, finding an agent, etc. etc...

writing, diary, nanowrimo

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