Okay. Five hundred words. No problem. No time, because Gathering is eating up my free time. No inspiration, because I was actually so busy at work I didn’t have time to think and ponder and stuff like that. One of the things I dislike about my new position is I actually am forced to think just about all the time, so my free imagination time that I had tons of in my old position is just about gone.
I have a serious itch for City of Heroes. Every time I read something or hear something about it, it makes me want to play more. I’m jonesing for something I haven’t even tried really yet. Talk about obsessive-compulsive. But then a true geek understands his obsessions are just his way of expressing his love for the things he loves. Only obsessives understand obsessives. So when I get a bit of loose cash in September, I’m buying City of Heroes and disappearing for a month or so.
Speaking of my obsessions, I have recently been inspired to add annotations to my ever-growing chronology of the Action-City-verse. As in, create fictional comics for the heroes to have appeared in, for major events to have happened in. You know, like Sensational Squirrelman #1 for the first appearance of Squirrelman, sort of thing. I have a whole slew of title ideas for the comics. This is what I call fun - creating a fake comics company, a fake history of said company, and cross-referencing them with the chronology of the fictional universe I’ve created. Holy Obsessive, Batman!
In all honesty, is it really an obsession if you truly love it? Doesn’t obsession carry with it some connotation of unhealthy fixation? I spend, quite literally, hours a day thinking about Squirrelman’s universe, but for me, that’s fun, it’s exciting, it’s creative and inspiring. I could gladly spend my entire day thinking about that universe and writing about it and planning where Sins of the Past might wind up going if it lets me. It’s a bit of an unruly beast at times - I had no idea they were going to spend nine issues in Downtown, and here they are planning on heading back... Not that I mind, I’m enjoying the ride as much as my fans seem to be. I do have plans and there is an over-arcing storyline, but for the moment I’m content to let it progress as it needs to for the moment.
But I love it. It’s ... dare I say it? My passion. That’s why I’ve added it to my list of interests in my Livejournal user info. I’m honestly interested in it. I want to see it grow and change and adapt and morph into something totally unforseen. I love that people are enjoying it. If I could do this professionally I would do so in a heartbeat. If this nevers grows beyond the people who read it on my journal, I’d still do it. It’s a labour of love.
And obsession.