Tal's Video Repetoire Update

Mar 20, 2004 22:54

So I can now add the following cinematic oeuvres to my cultural palate:

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen - What a stupid, stupid movie. I knew they took Alan Moore's idea and Hollywoodized it and I knew they made idiotic changes but I didn't realize they made it not just stupid but also NOT MAKE SENSE. Oh well. At least I fell asleep during the movie so it wasn't a complete waste of my time.

Anger Management - I really liked this. I liked it a lot. It wasn't great, but it wasn't bad. Nicholson was great, and Sandler didn't spend the whole movie as either an idiot or a bellowing asshole - he came to his bellowing assholishness gradually, healthily. A bit predictable but otherwise fun.

Dawn of the Dead - I finally watched this cult classic. The orginal, VERY seventies version. And I really liked it. It was mildly creepy and COMPLETELY SURREAL. I mean... Okay, so, they're trapped. But, it's in a shopping mall, so they have pretty much every want and/or desire taken care of and subsequently want for nothing. Pretty much my brother's and my childhood dream come true. Except one thing, which is, the mall is overrun by zombies who crave flesh warm human flesh. Kind of a downer. So they go on a hunting trip and, no problem, they have a nice cozy home filled with every luxury. Except they're trapped, see, because of the zombies outside. Oh, and one of them got his dumb ass bit and so he's slowly going to turn into one of the zombies. Very very weird.

Evil Dead - Another one I'd never seen and finally watched. Look! It's Ash! He's young, and not insane, and has both hands! Look! The Deathcoaster! It's all new and clean and junk! Wow! What a fun dumb movie! What thoroughly awful acting! It's really amazing what you can do when you have absolutely no budget!

So yeah. That.

reviews, random geekery

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