[So there's this young boy staring at the tiny wooden doll. He's pretty sure dolls don't normally move on their own. ...What is he supposed to do other than stare, man.]
[ all these funny humans, staring at her... like they've never seen a winter spirit before. tsk.
once again, Kirsi will stop her skating. this one is a little different... a child. children have always been a bit different, to her. usually -- not always, but usually -- wide eyed, yet unscarred by the darkness of the world. she'll raise her arms, and a gentle, surprisingly warm breeze will flow around Marcell. on that breeze will come a gentle trill of birdsong.
[Oh Kirsi, if only you knew. Just a little bitter might describe him pretty well. He very nearly jumps when he hears the birdsong, not expecting it. But the breeze is...calming, a little. Besides, it's...just a doll, right?]
[ ah, he's not scared. good. humans never were quite sure what to make of her.
she'll hop up on the lip of the fountain, and incline her head, shutting her eyes -- which turns them into a flat line, of course, before she opens them and they return to their oval shape.
a gentle wind will push at his back, urging him forward, closer. she wants to get a good look. ]
[ there will be another trill of birdsong in his ear, warm in tone, that seems to say why, yes. she'll even gesture with her arms. come here, come here. ]
[ she'll nod her head at him, shutting those oval eyes of hers, once he's close enough for her satisfaction. then she'll tilt her head, producing a whisper of birdsong in his ear that is inquisitive, uncertain. not that she feels uncertain -- but she hopes the tone might prompt a response.
[ she'll mimic an action rather like a curtsy. she'd tell him her name, but while she knows it, she can't remember quite the shape of it, how it ought to sound in human language. instead she trills some birdsong, pleasant in tone, and again gestures with her arms. come closer, come closer. ]
[Oh he does. Mostly because he and his younger friends have had to be carried by the older ones, before. After a moment's hesitation, he holds out his hand next to her, for Kirsi to hop onto.]
[ so quick on the uptake, this human! Kirsi likes him already. With a light, swift movement, she'll pop onto his hand, her eyes momentarily assuming a rounded ^^ shape -- to show she is pleased. but they resume their normal shape after a moment, and she simply trills birdsong in his ear, soft and warm. ]
once again, Kirsi will stop her skating. this one is a little different... a child. children have always been a bit different, to her. usually -- not always, but usually -- wide eyed, yet unscarred by the darkness of the world. she'll raise her arms, and a gentle, surprisingly warm breeze will flow around Marcell. on that breeze will come a gentle trill of birdsong.
hello. ]
Urm. Hi.
she'll hop up on the lip of the fountain, and incline her head, shutting her eyes -- which turns them into a flat line, of course, before she opens them and they return to their oval shape.
a gentle wind will push at his back, urging him forward, closer. she wants to get a good look. ]
...Did you do that?
And who might you be? ]
Urm. I'm Marcell.
So, urm. Where do you want to go?
she has seen the people come and go. perhaps there she can find her lost belongings, or some clue as to their whereabouts. ]
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