Gemmell's Troy trilogy to be completed

Sep 21, 2006 14:02

Just repeating news found at The Alien Online news blog (scroll down to news for Sunday September 17th) here:

The final book in David Gemmell's Troy trilogy, Fall Of Kings, will be finished by Gemmell's wife, Stella. Gemmell died after heart-bypass surgery in July prior to finishing the book, but had handed in 70,000 words taking the story up to the final siege[1].

Rejoice! After the shock of his untimely death at the age of 57, it is good to hear that his final book will see publication after all. Gemmell was one of the (fantasy) writers that I grew up with, and though he trod and retrod the same paths of heroism, redemption and sacrifice, I continued to follow and love his work. Gemmell's books are now my form of comfort reading - I'm familiar with the stories, I don't have to think too hard, but it still engages the heart where and when it counts.

[1] I *know* it's the Troy story, but a David Gemmell book hinging on a critical siege? You've got to laugh right. :)

david gemmell, books

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