The ongoing hunt for out-of-print goodness

Oct 16, 2005 23:41

Having read The Anubis Gates, Tim Powers has become the latest in a series of authors I've stumbled across whose work is excellent yet mainly (and annoyingly) out of print. In particular, his early work, such as The Stress Of Her Regard and On Stranger Tides, is highly regarded and bloody hard to come by, and thus quite expensive. I'm hoping that the £20 I've just forked out for On Stranger Tides is worth it. Although I haven't read it yet, I can fill out the most important parts of Hoggy's questionaire:

Does this fictional tale feature:


Does anyone get punched in the head? [ ]
Does anyone get punched through their head? [ ]
What is the total number of explosions?
What is the rough megatonnage value of the biggest explosion?

Will this book make me:
Fitter [ ]
Happier [X]
More productive [ ]

In fact, the book doesn't have zombies and pirates, it has motherlovin' zombie pirates. Yes, you may be thinking "Feh. All too Pirates Of The Caribbean", but Powers wrote this book around 1980 or thereabouts and it features the mighty Blackbeard! Anyway, who cares if he got ripped off by some Hollywood idiots. Focus! Zombie pirates! How can that be bad in any way, shape or form?


Arse. All right, so it turns out that I could have acquired a battered paperback for about £5 less. I knew I should have first before making any hasty bids. Lalalala, zombie pirates!
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