So many things to do and works just get in the way. *shakes fist* But at least I time to check my friend page before take off (to work). And I read this comment to this article "Supernatural: A Deeper Look At Season Three Dean Winchester"
here and I was teared up. So I qoute the part that did it.
Gotta be honest here, I think Dean Winchester Season 1 would have said and done the exact same things Dean Winchester in Jus in Bello did. Dean was the one who believed in saving people, more than he believed in revenge.
He's the one who believed that even if they got the thing that killed mom(before they knew what it was), there would still always be something to hunt. He never believed it was a battle that would be "won" like with a victory parade and retirement but that it was something that would never really end and would probably only end for him when he got killed on the job. He did it because it was the right thing to do, not because of some reward he'd get. Never in a million years do I believe the Dean Winchester of any season would not have reacted to the idea of killing Nancy to save themselves in exactly the same way he did in JIB.
Dean always(when the writers didn't need him to turn into a dunce to make the plot work or to play up how Sam was the smart one, because apparntly going to college means you know everything about everything, even if your brother is the one who actually took the training seriously for years long and has done it for years longer.) was clever, quick and imaginative. Definitely able to think on his feet. So I'm not exactly sure why you'd say he was new and improved?
The Dean you've described in Jus in Bello is, to me, classic Dean Winchester. But yes I was glad they finally remembered who he was and that he was back. :)
Yeah, I got it real bad. :)
Gotta run now, have a good day, guys.