Tomorrow is Earth Day 2008. What do you do to help save our planet? Let's share your thoughts here.
I never left home without a fabric bag now. Even at the supermarket I'd ask the cashier to put every things in my bag and I'm proud of myself when they look at me with smiles on their faces and thank me.
The environment organization and all the media here are heavily promoting to reduce using plastic bags. But it seems that not enough people are listening.
I'm not all good though. I still turn on the A/C almost every nights (cause it's so damn hot this time of year) but I'm trying to cut back using the energy in the other parts. I know it's not much but it's a start. :)
If you want to know more about how you can help making the world a better place to live you can go to
earthday network for more information.
*hugs tight* (^_^)