talking to friends this weekend about our collective retreat from livejournal had the odd effect of making me think about how i should post.
i have a different blog now, that i still barely write in. it mostly chronicles my thoughts on adoption and parenting.... or at least that's what it exists for. i read so many blogs that articulate how i feel better than i ever could that i always want to just link to others' posts while writing 'ditto.' in mine. it's entertaining when a non-writer gets herself a blog. :)
summer's officially gone here in maine... taking its hedonistic excess with it. fall's not really here yet though, so us mainers are in limbo waiting for the pleasures of apple picking and heavy sweaters. i love this time of year... and as a product of our public educational system, september always feels like a new beginning for me.
and it is, i think. i'm in the process of taking some pretty big steps toward being a healthy weight and developing a better relationship with food. i'm going to be finally getting some counseling around my eating issues (GOOooOOO Therapy! Clap Clap!) in preparation of having gastric bypass surgery sometime in early '07.* my first consult is on the 12th, and i'm simultaneously excited, terrified, hopeful, and nauseated. should be fun.
my summer was mostly spent momma-ing, with too many fabulous memories of chubby sandy baby thighs and hours reading repetitive childrens' books to detail here. james is 18 months, and flippin' enormous. the child has gone from a shoe size 5 to 7 1/2 or 8 over the last three months. he looks a year older than he is, leading to many a confused look at the playground from the moms of older toddlers and preschoolers as i stalk him around the equipment...
parenting james is more amazing than i could have imagined pre-baby, or even last summer. even on the hardest, missing-sippy-full-of-week-old-milk-car-smell days. the utter joy he has from the first second he wakes up to the last tired wiggle before falling asleep pushes me to see the world a little rosier. it sounds trite, but it's been true for me. i appreciate things more. i have my biscuit to thank for that. feel free to read these (scroll down to the list...): for a more complete explanation of how mothering feels for me. I especially relate to "make it a double"'s Motherlove.
anyway. there's no way to fill the collective 'you' in on my everyday goings-on three times a year, so i think this may be my last post, at least for a long while. i'm still around by email, and all other non-lj methods of communication... and i'll probably still check in on my friend's page (i'm not deleting, or anything...) here and there.
i'll leave you with a few pics of james spanning the summer, and a wish for happy falls all around. xoxo....
right after his first haircut
ready for a bike ride
i spend most of my day fielding requests for teeth brushing. whee.
james rocking cam's dolly p trucker hat. hot stuff.
q: what does the lion say jamesy? a: rarrr! (a preview of this year's halloween costume)
*re: surgery... i'm sure you all have opinions about this, but honestly this decision of mine has been made after MUCH thought (i've been in process for months now) and research and is not up for debate. i can argue my views till the cows come home (complete with James' mooing sound effects!) but what i'd really appreciate is trust and support. xoxo