Just so I don't forget....

Jun 08, 2014 10:27

Some more tattoo ideas from my sister, from August of 2009. She did eventually get "Let's Go' tattooed on her arm.

"As I sat down to do placement readings for work -

Valerie: What should I listen to?
Mike: Your husband.
Valerie: I always listen to my husband. That's why I don't have T.S. Eliot poetry tattooed on my arm.

However, I still think my right arm wants to be covered in text, and I will do this if Mike ever leaves me. Oh, or, I could wait until we have kids, and then he'll be too invested in our relationship to get that mad at me. *ponders*

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For a long time I've wanted the ending of T.S. Eliot's "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" wrapping around my upper arm/bicep area:

We have lingered in the chambers of the sea
By sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown
Till human voices wake us, and we drown.

But then I realized that my text tattoos already on my right arm ("strong" and "worthy") are so positive, and this poem is so fucking depressing. Also I hate when people use "till" instead of "until". I have to correct that in papers so often. So that would drive me crazy forever.

Another thing I would love on me is lines from one of my favorite songs, Rancid's "Radio":

Here it is.
Here I am.
Turn it up.

The next line is "Fucking loud" but even I'm not stupid enough to make myself that unemployable. That would look nice I think as a sort of list on the inside of my forearm, near the inside of my elbow, or wrapping around my arm with dots between the sentences.

I also wouldn't mind this quote from a letter written by Oscar Wilde:

He lies like a hyacinth on the sofa, and I worship him.

Pro: Super-secret penis metaphor on my body forever. Con: Ultimately it's not that meaningful.

So, yeah, that's not quite enough for a text sleeve, but that's why I should start now, and then add to it as more words become interesting to me.

I'm eligible for tenure in four years. If I get tenure, I absolutely have to get something done on my fingers, just because I can. My initial thought was the PUNX Tim and Lars have on their knuckles:

But it's lame to steal other people's tattoos, and also, let's face it, I just can't pull it off. There are girls that can rock knuckle tattoos. I am not one of these girls.

So what I'm thinking is Let's Go on the inside of one of my middle fingers. It's my favorite Rancid album, it's repeated like a battle call in a lot of Rancid songs, and like my other text tattoos, it has a positive message.

So there's a thorough accounting of what I'm NOT getting tattooed on myself anytime soon."
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