Hello Suits. I have missed you. I forgot how awesome you are. Come here, lets hug. Hmmm. nice.
Awesome #1: Mike's storyline. Baby mike being sad, adult Mike bent on revenge... loved it. Always love Mike's angst. Best scene was Harvey saying "Yes" and then saying "I said Yes." Because he would never say no to Mike working through his shit because he CARES about him. And I will never get over that. Harvey caring about Mike will forever turn me into a pile of goo, I don't care if it's cliched or silly or became apparent two seasons ago. It still does me in.
THEN Harvey wants to watch Mike kick ass and eat peanuts and Mike tells him NO PEANUTS HARVEY THIS IS FOR SERIOUS and Harvey listens. And that was hot. Guh. Forceful Mike. Impressed Harvey. THEN Harvey bails him out, because he's got his back, always has his back. Double guh.
THEN Mike realizes his Dad isn't a hero, and the lawyer not a bad guy, and his lifelong dream to be a good lawyer isn't turning out that well because he might be the bad guy, too. HAVE I MENTIONED I LOVE THIS SHOW. The themes, the depth, the complexity. It's just such a smart show.
AWESOME #2: Harvey and Jessica. Jessica just being amazing and beautiful and calling him on his shit. Harvey doesn't know how to have a relationship. He buys out Scottie's buy-in just because he wants her to stay. I love that he still has stuff to work through to be in an honest relationship. But I also love that the show didn't use this as a plot point to make Scottie leave, or have Harvey go backwards on his desire for the relationship. They actually sat down and talked it out until they both laughed and felt better. ALSO I THINK HARVEY WAS IN A TSHIRT. NOTE SURE, my brain might have been malfunctioning.
AWESOME #3: They have out of the box sex stuff going on and they don't make it bad. Like a little pain with your sex? Suits is ok with that. Just put some peas on it the next day. This is really important in this show, becuase I don't see this happening in other shows. Again, smart. Progressive. Love it.
AWESOME #4: Donna looked smoking hot in that dress and her hair looked beautiful and was amazing with her crafty cleverness and beautifulness.
In conclusion, Hi Show. I forgot how amazing you are. Thanks for coming back.