More lovelyness

Jul 29, 2009 08:42

This week I have been doing some more indepth research of the acting career of the gorgeous Aaron Johnson.

I have watched Talk to me. I did watch this originally when it was on last year mainly because I have a thing for Max beesley ;)

The sexiest thing about Aaron in this show is that although he is 16 in this, he seduces his teacher with just those gorgeous eyes of his. In the 3rd episode when Kelly tells her friend she is having an affair she tells her he is very sexy and he calls her beautiful. The gutting part is when she dumps him and you see his heart breaking there on the screen - signs of just what a great acting talent he has.

I also watched Sherlock Holmes and the Baker street irregulars. This was made either just before or just after Talk to me and Aaron plays a totally different character altogether as the acting leader of the irregulars who are street kids that help "Mr H" out with his investigations.

Even as a dirty London street urchin he still manages to gives us a flash of that gorgeous smile and sparkly eyes ;)

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