Apr 13, 2005 13:09
Dear God,
Take care of Branden Freshour.
Dear God,
take my heart and just hold it in your hands, heal it, because it hurts too badly.
Dear God,
get rid of drugs, because they get rid of love....they ruin everything.
Help me understand why love is this way, and show me that everything will be okay. Help me move on, but let me not forget Branden, let him not forget me. Help him remember only the good things, for those are the things that I think of. Let there be a moment in time when we've gone our separate ways that we're thinking of each other at the exact same time. Heal his heart, and rid of his pains, let him see that there's more to life than what he sees. Please help me rid of my regrets, let me be kind of what him and I shared, as well as him, too. Give him the luck of life, help him open his eyes, let his dreams come true.
Dear God,
Please take care of Branden Freshour.
Let him know that I'm here, sitting alone, wishing him well. Show him that my tears are from the heart, and that I will forever love him. Please don't let him ruin his life anymore, and don't let me ruin mine either.
Please let Branden and I meet again, but please don't let me be in love with him forever. Please give me my heart back.
Forgive me if I ever cave in, for this love is real love; it tears me apart, but it keeps me alive.