Nov 07, 2006 01:19
Often times "The man of Smoke" and I have had the discussion on why people fail, or rather why people choose to fail. People are often their own worst enemies. I know in my own life I have made choices out of haste anger depression and many other bad reasons. Those choices caused more bad decisions which rippled out and thus a downward spiral with seemingly no end. I think many people are trapped in this cycle.
This need not be as dramatic as a soap on Telemundo, it could simple be a family that lets TV be their family time. Husband and wife getting caught up in the day to day humdrum and never stopping to be a couple, children detached from a parental guide or role model, with only TV and Video games to guide them. The need for instant gratification & short attention spans are thus created, flipping through life like a TV. That is an extreme over simplification of ideas clumped together but my point is, even a "normal" life can be filled with these pitfalls. Now as we are our own worst enemies we can at times be great saviours. I got to several points in my life where i bottomed out ( with a vice/situation) or grew so angry with something that i changed it. It was hard and in some of those areas i have lost focus and fallen back, but the change was genuine and my character is now different than before. I do believe that true change can happen but it is a hard thing to accomplish and not without sincere intent and strength. Most poor people who win the lottery are often back in squalor after a year or so having spent all the money because they are used to being in the "poor" state. Women who have abusive boyfriends find themselves later on with abusive men. Abused children become abusing adults. the valley of complacency is easily fallen into.
One can find comfort in pain anxiety or anger and stay there even tho is makes them miserable if its what they have known and grown accustomed to, it is where they are likely to stay. I say this not from a position of judgement, rather from the valley i have been in and fall into sometimes. We all have our vices and weaknesses, but letting these things rule you control you and destroy you can be stopped. As i said earlier sincerity is most important in this. Anyone can quit smoking for the day..maybe week, but for good ? I have quit smoking many times (last time for 6 months with only a cig now and there) but when things got rough there would be a smoke in my hand. So if one is truly sincere about the change and not just merely annoyed with the issues it has caused than the problem may be worked out.
Good God how incredibley dry and boring......I think I will have to stop and recollect my thoughts.