
Sep 06, 2005 10:27

Katrina sucks. Catagory three Hurricanes tend to suck in general but this one seems to suck much harder *which would normally be a good thing but in the case of Hurricanes.. is not*

New Orleans - A big city in a bowl next to water. I'm re-stating the obvious but.. .. wasn't it just a matter of time until this happened? Isn't it just a matter of time until it happens again? I mean.. if you built a huge city below a volcano *pompay* and it blew.. wouldn't you just say... "man, that sucks for those people but.. DUH".

The left is screaming at Bush. The right is basically ignoring them *as usual* which is really the best way to handle children who want attention.

Does anyone actually know how the United States works? We are a United group of SEPERATE states that have jurisdictionally seperate laws and means by which to enforce them. There are NATIONAL laws and boundaries and there are STATE laws and boundaries.

When a Hurricane hits on Sunday and the Levee breaks on Monday then sometime Monday *when a problem registers* (lets call it water measured by feet instead of inches) the Governor makes a call for help to the National level for assistance. At this point the National Guard is called in and organized and they begin packing up and a plan is drafted. This plan is re-drafted based on new information *lets throw New Orleans scum grabbing guns from Wal-Mart and shooting at people as a basic factor that would have to be added to the ever changing game plan* and then the deployment begins.

While I would certainly like to see a fast response of.. say.. Tuesday morning sometime, the reality of the situation is that the government HAS ALWAYS been slow. Have you people been living under a fuckin rock?? EVERYTHING happens slow when the government is involved. Go to the DMV and see how that works out for you.

The way I see it is - Everything should have moved a little faster. Responses should have been quicker and plans that were made for this very scenario should have been enacted *school busses - etc* but we had a bunch of political knitwits who want to turn this into a screaming point for their political side of the aisle instead of getting their hands dirty and just doing what needs to be done *mayor of NO*.

I gotta say.. that Mayor of New Orleans is a sniveling beyatch.

PEACE (and by that I mean... WAR)
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