My Parade Pictures, Let Me Show You Them

Oct 31, 2007 18:29

So, yeah...there was this kinda parade thingy yesterday in Boston. I was there. My boss told me on Friday that, if the Red Sox did end up winning the World Series, I could go to the rally. I assumed it was going to end up being on Saturday like last time...but, no. So I was glad that he had given me the green light.

In 2004, I watched the parade from Cambridgeside, and most of the photos I took were of the boats in the water. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I wanted to take my own pictures from a better vantage point this time.

I ducked out of the office at 11:40 and got on a Green Line train to Copley. I knew the truck was going to stop there so Papelbon could dance, and I figured the middle would be less congested than the beginning (Fenway) or the end (Goverment Center).

I was right about that; I had a great view. So. Here are my photos of the Red Sox on parade.

Beckett and the World Series trophy.

This was what I saw directly across the street from where I was standing.

Anticipation. Everyone was craning their necks to see the first glimpse.

You can see all kinds of people are Red Sox fans...and there must not have been many kids in school yesterday!

One reason I was able to get a great spot is I just happened to stand next to this cop's family. His name was Brian.
I was standing next to his wife and behind his three sons. Sheer luck.

While the crowd was waiting, a frisbee was being tossed around. When it landed in the street, a cop had to get it. Brian went to get it once.

He threw it back to the crowd!

Tell me this guy wasn't having fun.

I want this girl's job.

The first duck boat! This is the Red Sox boat, with "the curse reversed" on the front...

...and a confetti cannon at the back.



Tito again.

Beckett again with the trophy.

Dwight Evans, Oil Can Boyd, Joe Morgan...I didn't get a good photo of Dom and Pesky, dammit.

The team trainers, cos I'm a dork that way.

Youk sitting on the railing and...okay, see that short guy on the other side of the boat? That's Pedroia!

Good news...Dice-K and Lester's duck stopped right in front of me for a while.

We all yelled at Dice to get him to look back at us.

I got a great one of Lester. Look how bashful he looks!

Here's the bullpen, still drumming. They had a set of bongos on the other side.

Looking back at all the confetti.

Bad news: the Papelbon Dance Truck stopped before it got to me and I didn't get very good shots of it.

Okajima was sitting up front facing the other side of the street. I wish I could have seen him dancing with Papelbon, which happened later.

Papelbon with the Dropkick Murphys.

Papelbon did not have the kilt on yet.

Keilty and Ellsbury.

A slightly better one of Jacoby. You can also see the back of Coco's head.

Manny being Manny...

He looks like a televangelist with the microphone and the jacket. Papi was on the other side.

You can see Papi a little better in this one.

More confetti.

Don Orsillo! And OMG Righty and Lefty! They have green eyebrows.

A skywriter...I found out later he was writing "Red Sox Nation."

I liked this "Re-Sign Lowell" sign on the construction at the Prudential.

I had a pocketfull of confetti which I dumped on my coworker Fred's desk.

This is Tessie the dog. I had to take her picture because I have Tessie the cat!

world series, red sox, photos, baseball, parade

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