Dec 16, 2010 14:59
So, every so often I like to go and google Abian terms, just to see what happens. Apparently now we're at the top of the list, so you can totally "I'm Feeling Lucky" Abian and get the comic website. :F Kinda cool.
Anyway, so I like to google random Abian terms. This is sadly how I found out that Marctavious is a real name. I didn't know that. I was just like "Hey, you know what would sound cool? Marctavious." and used it. Then it was like "Oh, hey, it's a real name! That's pretty cool too."
Laventous, however, I used to google Laventous and I would get nothing. Nada. Zip. No matches found. At all. Recently, however, I was googling for Lava and ended up getting "Showing results for lavenous" and I'm like 'lavenous? What is that?' and then I found a site that said:
What does the word lavenous mean?
Lavenous: Used to identify individuals possessing a nature or special level of intelligence that allows one to feign understanding.
I then proceeded to die laughing. It's like, wow... what a fitting word for Lava's name to resemble.