Nov 13, 2016 23:20
I know I've said it before..... But never think first. I've told the story of the bartendress while going to my uncles funeral, and others. that being the onr that killed me the most. Thinking isn't a bad thing, if one can get past the white noise.... But never before acting on ...... Anything.
In my defence, after talking with dad I've been a bit lost in thought....None of thes matters..... I'm to fucking tired to try to explain it all.
I just wanted to say I'm sorry. There's a reason I didn't take a tool room job earlier, it would've put me in a building I didn't want to be in. It's bad enough I'm on the same site, same building would've been fucked up.
Going in to work the other day, I was surprised, I thought I saw you. I let thinking get out of controll.... Thinking I saw you, thinking I recognized you, Thinking I had to be wrong, Thinking I should find out.......
I know you weren't so happy to see me.... I understand, I'm kinda sorry it really was you. Had I not been distracted thinking, I would've just gone a different way. Look, I'm sorry I talked to you I won't make that mistake again.
Though one last thing....Why have you not unfriended me here??? I really think you should, as you want nothing to do with me. And if you give me the word before you do, I can finish erasing all your past comments like you've been doing..... Utherwise just go and be done with it. You'll be missed, but it wont matter any more.