The Shattering

Nov 22, 2010 14:36

Great book that.
Also, the game events of the Shattering occur tomorrow.

People say a lot of things about Wrath of the Lich King.  This was my breakout expansion.  This was a lot of people's breakout expansion.  Raiding was accessible, content was reasonably challenging when it was current.  If not for some crappy guild snafu's and some extra crappy raid leaders, I might have done much more content when it was current.
I still got the LK, the end boss of the expansion.  We would have been 3rd on our sever to down him, hand people bothered to show up the next day.  But I still got him, and some of the best gear in the game, both of which were complete impossibilities for me in Burning Crusade or Vanilla.

Things I'm most excited about for Cataclysm:
-Shorter raids and flexible raid lockout systems = more accessible raiding for everyone.
-Joe and Rory are finally going to play with Mokko and I.
-Rather than being in a shaky guild on a not so great server, I'm actually on a decent server and in a decent guild at the start.  And the guild actually has a plan on approaching the first tier of content.
-Thrall =  Awesome.
-Deathwing = Awesome.

Also, due to the RSS and Facebook technology built into the Armory website, I might start a Facebook page for Karoht and Puumpkhym and update with all their adventures.  We'll see.  Joe and Rory are also talking about doing a blog, so we might team up and do one for tank, heal, and dps, which would be really cool.
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