fuckin' a

May 01, 2006 21:41

Every time that I get things back on track in my life Karma sweeps my legs, and then repeatedly kicks me in the ribs and nuts. The job thing is going ok. I like the work, just not the company that I am working for. I'm sticking with it though. So just when that's going ok I find out that my Dad hurt his knee. Ok no big deal right? Well he was in so much pain that he went to the ER at Lehigh Valley Hospital. As part of normal triage they took his blood pressure. It was right around 200 over 170! When I was working at the hospital we would have had the patient stay in bed. We would have started IV Meds, Ekg, and drawn blood for testing. You know what LVH did? An EKG. That's all. They gave him pain Meds for his knee. Told him that he needed to see an orthopedic specialist to have an MRI done, and told him to see an opthomologist because he's lost color vision in his right eye! Losing color vision is a big sign of a possible serious problem in the visual cortex of the brain. That teamed with their diagnosis of Uncontroled High Blood Pressure... could mean a possible expansion of a blood vessel in the brain. At that pressure any expanded (and thusly weakend) vessel could very easily burst. My mom was fighting with the doctors as to what should be done. They didn't even want to give her the EKG results.

So why if he could pop an Anyurism at any time didn't they FUCKING ADMIT HIM!!! They sent him the fuck home. So this all transpired outside of my knowledge. (I think my Mom didn't call me at the time out of fear that I would kill the doctor.) So my Mom calls me before my Sun. visit with the girls and asks me to come up early cause my Dad hurt his knee and can't help with the girls at all. Ok no big deal. So I get there. I jokingly ask my Dad; "What the hell did you do to your knee?" He says "Well go look at the paper from the hospital. It's on the table." So I look at it and see the uncontrolled blood pressure thing. So you know I saw that all the time at Reading. So I ask him "How high is it; 140,150." To which he responds;" No.. It was 198 over 166." WWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAATTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!
I said;" Well what did the hospital do?" He said;" Well they gave me some pills to slowly lower it and told me to follow up with my family doctor." So no white blood cell count, no enzyme levels, Hell not even so much as a blood sugar test. Which costs about $5 to do and can give a clue as to if there may be a problem with the heart. So needles to say that started to stress me out. Then as my Dad and I were talking about different shit I noticed that he was refering to himself in the past tense. He also started telling me what needed to be done in the future "for your mom." not for me and your mom. Well that started getting my guard up again. Then he started going on about how he wished that he had taken better care of himself. Also how he should have gone to the doctor 10 years ago. So now at this point I'm getting fairly scared. That's when the girls showed up. so it's time to pretend that nothing is wrong and try and have a good day with them.

The day went well. We got Taco Bell, went to the pet store to look at animals, went to the Fish Hatchery and fed the fish, and then played a little kick ball. On the way home I really started to think about it all. My emotions started to get the better of me. So I called Tara for a little grounding. Which helped tremendously. Came home talked to her some more and went to sleep. Which leads into today.

I get up and go to work. About half way through the day I decide to call and see how my Dad's ortho appt. went. I got my Mom on the phone. She says that they haven't gone yet cause the appt. isn't till 2. so then I ask her if they did an EKG. That's when she tells me about the fight with the docs. So I ask what the result of the EKG was. She said that she took it to our family doctor, Dr. Bub (yes that's his real name). He then told her that it's obvious that this has been going on quite a while with the blood pressure. Reason that he knows is because it is quite apparent on the EKG that the one side of his heart is enlarged. Ding Ding Ding. Big bells and whistles start going off for me. Once again I now with all of the knowledge I ask myself why the hell didn't they admit him. So now not only could he have the real potental for an anyurism, but he could potentially have a heart attack at any time. Well needless to say I was so fucked up that they sent me home from work cause there was no way that I was going to be able to sell like this. They also told me to take the day off tomorrow since I would have been late anyway due to going to court for child support. Oh yeah that's the fucking icing on the cake. because i missed a couple of weeks when I switched jobs I'm getting hauled in again for contempt. How the fuck am I supposed to keep a job if I constantly have to take off to go in for this shit??

Fuckin' A!!! I must have really fucked some people over in a former life to deserve this kind of Karma. Maybe I was Ghengis Kahn or Hitler or some shit like that. Oh well more updates as the shit keeps hitting the fan!
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