i sit here in my living room chewing on a chicken and cheese chimichanga.
the day was fairly eventful despite my late start. i was disturbed this morning by the odd and random sex dream i had.
i think it had something to do with the gardner from Desperate Housewives.. FINALLY! i just remember climbing over a fence and a messy bedroom
with clothes strewn about. it was NOT my bedroom. scandalous, i know!
after the wild passionate sex dream that I can't remember much of, I took delivery of a brand new WASHER/DRYER! thank god...after I was suddenly stopped
on load 8/15 last week by the violent bouncing motion of the old unit, I was running out of clean socks. my next move was to impose myself over at
place to finish up my last few loads.
the wife unit made it home safely tonight. he came home to a SPOTLESS apartment.. I am such a good housewife.
i did realize one thing that makes me almost throw up every time I do it. no, it doesn't involve deep-throating
hrhmsh although
i am sure he wishes it did. its cleaning the god damn toilet. i know whatever is on or around the toilet is from myself but its the fact that its
cold porcelain, and cold water. and it seems there are tons of cracks, plastic plugs, screw holes and other areas where dirty and grime can build up. ugh.. i can't
imagine cleaning other people's toilets. nasty.
i can't include photos in this posting because
hrhmsh has borrowed my camera for his tricks he is visiting in California. i imagine he will take all the
photos in the wrong mode, he usually does.
thats all for saturday guys..