You know, there are other people running for President in the Republican Party that are qualified other than Rudy McRomney-Thompson. Take a look at Mike Huckabee or Tommy Thompson. I think they may be better conservatives that those 4.
As for Mitt Romney. What do you not like about Mormons? I don't think religion shold really be a factor in voting for President unless the person wants to convert everyone in the country to that religion. My apprehension about Romney is that I think he kinda just says what needs to say to win whatever race he's running. When he's running for Senator or Governor of Taxaxchusetts, he's pro-choice and more pro-gay rights than Ted Kennedy. Now that he's running for President, he's pro-life and believes in "family values".
Weak Candidates?nighthawkalJune 21 2007, 02:57:44 UTC
Explain to me how Mike Huckabee or Tommy Thompson are weak candidates. Usually peopel are weak candidates b/c 1) they aren't experienced enough to run for President like Obama or 2) they're ideological extremists like a Tom Tancredo, a Gravel or Dennis Kucinich
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Re: Weak Candidates?nighthawkalJune 21 2007, 05:47:32 UTC
The only reason why they aren't in the "top tier" is because they're being ignored by the media, even though they're as qualified, if not more qualified, and as electable, if not more electable, as Rudy McRomney-Thompson in a general election. If Republicans just stopped letting the media tell them who they're supposed to vote for and critically examined each candidate, I'd bet most of the conservatives would support either Huckabee or Thompson, but since most people are intellectually lazy and just want the media to dictate to them who the "top 3" cnadidates are, we're probably going to get a crappy choice for President against whoever the Democrats put up
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As for Mitt Romney. What do you not like about Mormons? I don't think religion shold really be a factor in voting for President unless the person wants to convert everyone in the country to that religion. My apprehension about Romney is that I think he kinda just says what needs to say to win whatever race he's running. When he's running for Senator or Governor of Taxaxchusetts, he's pro-choice and more pro-gay rights than Ted Kennedy. Now that he's running for President, he's pro-life and believes in "family values".
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