two points you're missing here is that our nation is also morally diverse in the sense that ... lots of people think it's ok to murder people for no apparent reason. Should we represent them? Why not? Why would you enforce one sort of morality and not another? If you're going to write a blank slate of "represent the people" then you better be prepared to represent those who want to forcibly have sexual intercourse with small children because they are there ... and there are lots of them.
Your idea of what the law is based upon isn't real solid. It's popular, but it's not solid. Someone has to define the morality of the day, and explain why it is THE morality. If they don't then people like Saddam and Amadinnerjacket will.
They have strong followers because they have strong principles and strong convictions even if those convictions and principles are genocidal and completely insane. People follow passionate morality ... of any kind. Right now they're following the one that will lead them to governmental slavery.
Sad but true.
You can find common ground with religious people, but when it comes to even things like "thou shalt not murder" many religions disagree. Islam is my primary example. Satanism is another example I think fits rather well, and if you think people don't practice it by the tens of thousands you're fooling yourself.
so where DOES this morality come from?
Our founding fathers stated what they thought pretty openly. Too bad the ACLU is rewriting our history for us.
Though in the end it's not so much a matter of religion as a matter of functionality. The problem is that morality functions quite well. People just choose to reject it because it ... COSTS. It's not a quick fix but a long sustained sacrifice. Consider how long people like the catholics would last if the military with its opposition morality wasn't around to defend its right to exist?
Who says its ok to murder people for no reason? I would think that would only be less than 10% and those would be extremists.
I think the vast majority of Americans are against raping kids too. Anyone who isn't is way out of the mainstream.
As for Saddam, he was more of a secularist, especially compared to other regimes in the Middle East. He was also a Sunni, which is a minority in Iraq. I believe, Shiites make up aboout 60% of the population while Sunnis make up about 25%.
Actually, you bring up a good point about Islamic Extremism, which advocates killing those who do not subscribe to the same religious philosophy. Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and I'm pretty sure even most Athiests think that murder is wrong.
I would think that would only be less than 10% and those would be extremists.
and some would say you're an extremist because you're conservative. "you don't support helping the poor. You don't support impeaching a murderous genocidal maniac of a president"
those people vote man. Remember that. They are not the main stream, but they can ... and unless someone defines what Americas standards are they WILL.
As far as your list of religions that don't support murder you're over all right, but there are sects of all of those that do, and they vote ... well those who dont have felonies do anyway.
most everyone supports killing. It's just a matter of who is going to define the standards by which we decide who will live and who will die. Every society must decide these things or suffer being destroyed by the evils that they preserve.
True. Some people may think people like me or you are "extremists" b/c we're conservative or lean conservative, but conservatives make up much more than 10% of the country. Probably at least 40% of the country is conservative, if not more.
You're right. Those people vote, well assuming they remember its election day, and it is kinda scary. It was nice back in 2000 when all of them were voting for Nader.
Now what do you mean by this? most everyone supports killing. Some people may say that supporting the death penalty is supporting murder but I think it protects soceity against a mad man and it punishes the person for killing their victim.
you changed your verbiage on the "most everyone supports killing" when you started to clarify your point by calling it murder.
Killing and murder are two different things.
Most everyone supports killing because they support self defense with deadly force if it's needed to preserve their life. A lot of people also support the death penalty. There are tons of other people who support killing in the form of murder ... just because.
Kinda sad really that everyone gets lumped in with murderers for defending themselves because we're brain washed by the media
I think I either misunderstood you or you misunderdstood me or I jsut used the words murder and killing interchangibly. Can't remember which one it was now. Murder and killing lead to the same result- someone dying. But I make a distintion between a justified killing like the death penalty or killing a crazy person who is holding people hostage and unjustified killing which is killing innocent people. People who kill innocent people, I think, should receive the death penalty.
Your idea of what the law is based upon isn't real solid. It's popular, but it's not solid. Someone has to define the morality of the day, and explain why it is THE morality. If they don't then people like Saddam and Amadinnerjacket will.
They have strong followers because they have strong principles and strong convictions even if those convictions and principles are genocidal and completely insane. People follow passionate morality ... of any kind. Right now they're following the one that will lead them to governmental slavery.
Sad but true.
You can find common ground with religious people, but when it comes to even things like "thou shalt not murder" many religions disagree. Islam is my primary example. Satanism is another example I think fits rather well, and if you think people don't practice it by the tens of thousands you're fooling yourself.
so where DOES this morality come from?
Our founding fathers stated what they thought pretty openly. Too bad the ACLU is rewriting our history for us.
Though in the end it's not so much a matter of religion as a matter of functionality. The problem is that morality functions quite well. People just choose to reject it because it ... COSTS. It's not a quick fix but a long sustained sacrifice. Consider how long people like the catholics would last if the military with its opposition morality wasn't around to defend its right to exist?
Irony at its height in my opinion.
I think the vast majority of Americans are against raping kids too. Anyone who isn't is way out of the mainstream.
As for Saddam, he was more of a secularist, especially compared to other regimes in the Middle East. He was also a Sunni, which is a minority in Iraq. I believe, Shiites make up aboout 60% of the population while Sunnis make up about 25%.
Actually, you bring up a good point about Islamic Extremism, which advocates killing those who do not subscribe to the same religious philosophy. Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and I'm pretty sure even most Athiests think that murder is wrong.
and some would say you're an extremist because you're conservative. "you don't support helping the poor. You don't support impeaching a murderous genocidal maniac of a president"
those people vote man. Remember that. They are not the main stream, but they can ... and unless someone defines what Americas standards are they WILL.
As far as your list of religions that don't support murder you're over all right, but there are sects of all of those that do, and they vote ... well those who dont have felonies do anyway.
most everyone supports killing. It's just a matter of who is going to define the standards by which we decide who will live and who will die. Every society must decide these things or suffer being destroyed by the evils that they preserve.
That my friend is a spiritual and social law.
You're right. Those people vote, well assuming they remember its election day, and it is kinda scary. It was nice back in 2000 when all of them were voting for Nader.
Now what do you mean by this? most everyone supports killing. Some people may say that supporting the death penalty is supporting murder but I think it protects soceity against a mad man and it punishes the person for killing their victim.
Killing and murder are two different things.
Most everyone supports killing because they support self defense with deadly force if it's needed to preserve their life. A lot of people also support the death penalty. There are tons of other people who support killing in the form of murder ... just because.
Kinda sad really that everyone gets lumped in with murderers for defending themselves because we're brain washed by the media
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