As usual a Democrat like John Kerry speaks from his heart that America is the bad guy and America is the enemy. Terrorism is our fault and we brought this upon ourselves. If we will just follow and do what Neville Chamberlain did to stop Hitler (which by the way folks did not work!) It will stop the terrorists from hating us. This is BS! It wont
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Starting wars to bring more hate against the US is also not making us safer.
An amoeba has enough cell activity to realize Americans did not start this war. Deposing Hussein, and killing off the top terror leaders has done nothing to make us safer? Perhaps it has done nothing to make the average American in the suburbs safer, but it's done a lot to keep organized terror down in the theaters of war. The terrorist insurgency is scattered and has been incapable of planning anything aside from planting IEDs. Has anyone noticed that no soldiers or journalists have been kidnapped lately? Guess not.
Cut and run in Afghanistan and stay the course in Iraq is a fucking joke.
Nobody "cut & run" in Afghanistan. The situation in Afghanistan is much more stable than in Baghdad, so it's not getting as much press coverage. This goes to show that the jackass liberal relies on Wolf Blitzer, Keith Olbermann and company for his news.
World Domination by sherical influence is not the American way. The USSR did that and we saw what happened to them.
This guy is getting crazier as his tirade progresses. I didn't realize America is out creating satellite nations and requiring them to swear allegiance to Lady Liberty. We're handing over control of entire regions of Iraq to the Iraqi government after stabilizing them, the Russians wouldn't even consider giving back a watch they stole.
The only reason America isn't the powerhouse it once was, is because of liberals like himself that spend their time at Starbucks, wear their pseudo-intellectual dark-rimmed glasses, don't shower in weeks, and pour over Jack Kerouac while sipping their venti mocha lattes. Who are they to even imply that the right is disconnected?
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